Lt. Slothrop

Ma-Ma Land?

It sounds like someone's final project from film school has been released into the wild…

Yikes… This is exactly why I stopped paying attention to the AV Club's music coverage. "Will Drake release his playlist? Will Haim be the next pop sensation?" Who the fuck cares?

Was there a loofah or falafel involved this time?

Does this make him a character actor?

Beloved Shaft?

I'd argue that Milla Jovovich's range is limited at best… Anyone care for a viewing of The Messenger?

Pretty sure they're both pleather.

I watched some of the Total Recall "remake" on a place, and was surprised at how much fun she was in the Sharon Stone role. She's got chops; I wish she'd turn down the bland, objectifying roles, but I'm sure they pay well…

Ah, a very satisfactory thrashing by Ignatiy. Bravo!

Underworld is fantastic, but it's a slog. Have you read other DeLillo? Many times his style shines in brevity (particularly Cosmopolis).

I resolve to post more abrasive comments on pop culture sites because what's new frightens me and I am nothing more than a little boy on a big computer.

Yes, I only clicked on this review to see if that actually was Stormare.

The Dardenne bit really does take the cake—it's like a vintage Pitchfork review.

"At a glance, it would be easy to mistake The Ardennes for a documentary about the Dardennes, Belgium’s most celebrated filmmakers."

This was not the direction I was expecting for Expendables 4.

But the twist is that the cowboys are all actually robots, right? It could be called… "World of the West."

I believe the phrase is… TAKE MY MONEY.

Ha—younger me was in quite the Pynchon phase when he joined the AV Club commentariat.

Huh—I guess I was thrown off because Glover's performance is so goofy-eyed and somewhat innocent. Trump has always reeked of sleaze to me. Turner, on the other hand, gets portrayed as a likable hick.