Lt. Slothrop

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for stomping on Fridmann. His production makes my ears scream.

Are you telling me that Twitter is the new "Kids Say the Darnedest Things"?

Um, that's not plagiarism… That's an homage. Good on Uncle Pete for telling it like it is.

Wow, that was annoying. Not surprising that music critics and commenters alike are using the term "blender" in describing the track… Because it kind of sounds like listening to a blender. (Also, I want a smoothie now.)

He has 48 more states to write albums about and he's wasting time on Helvetica Narrow?!?

— On "Black Skinhead." "the actual beat is damn near revolutionary, bringing Nine Inch Nails-style clangs and clomps to mainstream rap…"
Because Trent Reznor didn't do that when he co-produced Saul Williams' "Niggy Tardust." Pop-culture memories, so short.

Schrader has made a ton of challenging films. The revulsion by the film gestapo suggests this may be another winner.

Auto-Focus and Affliction – two awesome films. His Exorcism movie was also quality.


Man, Marilyn Manson looks different these days. Not my favorite version of "The Beautiful People."

Oh, so we're going to license like it's 1999 again?

Why not just watch "Let the Right One In" again?

"So, Jason Kidd, I think a pump fake like this would have been a lot more effective on the young and more mobile Kobe back in the 2002 finals. You're not still beating your wife, are you?"

Nice way to get rid of the three least interesting characters on the show! You didn't actually think they were going to see that Castleary Rock pipe dream through, did you?

"I live my life one quarter-table at a time."

I consider Super a winner because it didn't go down easy (yet I laughed throughout). As you can see from the comments, it really divided the audience, many of who were already fans of the director. But man, Gunn hit the wrench on the head – no one was expecting it to get so gruesome. I mean, wrench to the face is

And it was written by Gunn.

It's no Dawes.

Art punks my ass. Fever to Tell was a fun album, but everything else (including this) has been mediocre at best (mechanical and stupid at worst).