
@avclub-4efc93ce552c200ce4389a07ef02514c:disqus I feel like such a fool. It was so obvious!

Everyone knows that the easiest way to keep from becoming a liberal is to shout your conservative opinions so loudly that you can't hear anything else!

Half the reason I even come to AVC is for "critical negativity." I greatly enjoy reading the negative reviews, a lot of the time even more than positive ones.

Yeah that's definitely what I meant. Except for the fact that I never said "the entire thing is shit," or even remotely communicated that thought.

It pretty much reads like someone trying really hard to do a RiffTrax of Breaking Bad

Articles like this are why I never defend AVClub when people on Twitter/Reddit/Etc shit on it

"According to Jenkins, he never drinks before a show and always drinks after a show."

Am I the only one who got a friggin headache at that batshit insane cicada noise?

Oh, I was only somewhat surprised that it didn't at get at least a mention in the article. I was more surprised that it was no where to be found in the comments?

Uh….Sleepwalk With Me?

To be clear, I don't think it was pure click bait - it's not like he didn't make valid points, as I said. But people who haven't actually seen Mindy Project probably don't know that the main thing keeping it from becoming more than largely mediocre is the shoehorned professional setting/"ensemble." 
Making a broad

I love all the snarky "Yeah, ad X should be like Y" comments. You guys do realize that "Should Be More Like Louie" is an intentionally grabby headline, right? Like, it's a well made comparison/parallel (in my opinion), but simply put, more people are going to click/read this article than they would have if it were

I WANT to be cynical about the super vague and generic-sounding descriptions of Ground Floor, but the fact that it's going to mean I get to regularly see Rory Scovel on my TV…I just can't do it!

Yeah, but it barely "exists" even WITH their cardboard cut-out characters

I feel the same way, but the fact that this finale fizzled out so spectacularly and didnt have anything cool or shocking at the end - someone we always assumed would die got stabbed! - was a let-down even by this show's low standards.

The fact that Joe Carroll was defeated by Ryan INSULTING EDGAR ALLEN POE was perhaps the best moment of this whole series/season. And everything that came after that was, of course, the standard BS you expect from The Following.

I feel like I would be a lot more put off by the violence in this show if 1) it weren't so gorgeously shot (on par with cable shows IMO) and 2) I hadn't been subjected to the far more violent yet far more ugly "The Following" for 10+ weeks already - a show that seems to think 'as much random killing as a crummy horror

"Annie coming over early to give Jeff’s apartment her Annie touch made me groan a little bit. A little too reminiscent of her time in that hotel room." Is this referring to the fact that it made you scream "Are Jeff and Annie fucking dating or what?!?" at your TV yet AGAIN?

I completely agree, and was planning to post just about the same thing.

Yes, and Ricky Gervais also makes occasionally good points about religion/life in general - doesn't mean he's not still an asshole that shouldn't be taken seriously. Just like the Bible. You can't even say that "it's just the Old Testament"!  It's a total BS strawman to pretend the Bible isn't inherently bigoted, just