
Ha. Seth saying the clip was "abhorrent", even tho it was using clips from the ACTUAL SHOW.

That's another thing I don't understand - what is wrong with a "Kill Of The Week?" I know that Dexter is somewhat hit and miss in that regard, but over half of the whole 1st season was kill of the week, and it's still the best one so far (along with season 2). An awesome show like The Shield has a "Case Of The Week"

Sometimes I genuinely feel like the "alcoholic" aspect of the Ryan Hardy character was written in AFTER the fact - so the fact that Kevin Bacon always has this look of "I don't want to fucking be here" can be explained away by "he's always hung over - that's why he's making that face."

I seriously have room mates that watch this show in the living room, while I watch on my own TV - because the fact that they genuinely enjoy it/hate me shitting on it infuriates me even more than the actual show.

Holy shit. I assumed that this much text would have automatically meant "crazy person", but I was in stitches the whole time. Hats off to you. Standing ovation.

Ohhhh, so he's just watching the screener for NEXT week's episode. Got it.

Hey, can someone at AVClub call David Sims and make sure he's ok? I would really miss his reviews, and I think he may have died of a stroke while attempting to write that last stray observation…

"Uh, did someone tear out the page where we just HANDCUFF the crazy people?"

"I'm not armed, you dont need the guns."
"I checked, she's clean."
"Just the same."

^ This. Sims does awesome things like flip the hell out and write a whole paragraph in all-caps - this makes me laugh, AND feel less crazy for the fact that I will often IM friends with similar The Following related all-caps freak-outs.

Ugh, even GREYS ANATOMY can handle a shooting spree episode without screwing it up.

This is slightly off topic, but I really hate people/reviewers saying that Dexter never being caught "ruins the tension" of that show. He still has friends and family that could just as easily die, and have. I just don't understand this idea that the thing that's making a person "tired of the show" is the fact that

The show is so uneven tonally that they have to keep throwing in Morgan at random times just to get a quick easy laugh. I think part of the show's problem is that they are CONSTANTLY going to random new locations & veering away from having a regular setting - IMO, because an OB/GYN just isn't an easy place to

That last line elicited an entirely reflexive "BOOM. Roasted!" from me.

I mean, it's just CLASSIC Cult Behavior™.

Personally, I thought Poeism?

Right before Debra (aka "FBI Lady") said "Carrollism", she went all Rain Man on that wall of ridiculous art. That stream of utter bullshit actually made "Carrollism" seem comparatively less absurd. Maybe that was the point?

He actually said "Live in New York, IT'S SAUDERINIGHT!"

The term you're looking for is "overrated."

Was anyone else on board until the review lumped NASHVILLE in with Homeland & GoT?