
These responses all made me laugh, but this one is truely art.

I didn't read the review, but the pure "WTF" at seeing a picture of Jeremy Piven in period clothing gives me almost as much joy as the impending Game Of Thrones premiere.

He had me up until "mainstream radio airplay", which is a moot point since exactly zero metal bands get it, regardless of whether they are hipster-approved.

I couldn't remember who died because Fake/actual gay dude was literally the only death on the show that I DIDNT laugh at. He was a major character, but he was also the only character who even slightly earned an emotional moment when they died.

oh I was not saying that you thought that, @avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus ! I just see it lots of other places, is all. AVC is one of the few places where I DONT find an overriding hatred for anyone that is good looking and/or successful. My fault for sounding confrontational :P

Again, I simply don't find him to be the Dane-Cook-level douchebag that a lot of the internet seems to. I don't think they're "wrong", exactly, but I mean…I could have easily seen him playing Hawkeye, for example.

I actually like that he made guns with the Ring, but thats because I am comics-ignorant and had previously only ever seen GL make weird old-timey things.

Agreed. The scene with the "Elders" looked like a cutscene from a PS1 game.

I didn't exactly hate Reynold's Green Lantern - in that it was just "Ryan Reynolds", and I personally don't have a problem with that. The script & CGI were wayyy worse than anything the dude actually said or did - main thing they would have needed to recast is that goddamn horrific green suit.

A small part of me has come to genuinely believe this whole show is some kind of meta-commentary on violence in media. They have created a show so silly and implausible that I just straight up LAUGH every single time a person DIES.

It's official: The Following is the funniest show on television. This episode made me laugh just as much as last week's Parks And Recreation. That fucking spear gun? I laughed at that almost as hard as I did at Joe Mande talking about how you can buy anything & everything on the internet.

Yeah, I loved 3 Cheers. But when people say Black Parade is "great", to me that's just a shorter way of saying, "This is the closest that the generally bad mid-00's generation of popular "emo" bands got to making a Mellon Collie."

Well, his name IS Kevin.

"The Black Parade is a great album" is almost as funny as anything in tonight's episode.

So glad you mentioned that the flashback was Dexter-aping. Joe Carroll is essentially a charisma-free & completely unrelatable Dexter Morgan, and the writers seem to think that this problem is completely solved with "adding a British accent."

This song made me cry.

Going through these reviews one by one every week makes me really glad that I consumed this entire show in 2-3 days of being sick. It blurs together into one big fairly competent political drama instead of being broken up into episodes with varying degrees of interesting moments.

I'm fairly certain that the show has convinced itself that Joe Carroll IS that character, even though he only has like 5 minutes of screen time per episode.

It's getting more and more obvious how much this show seems to think it's LOST.

Ditto. This is like the 5th time I've clicked on something because I forgot that there's more than one "famous" Gillian.