
Yeah, but you don't really need money either. There are tons of random ways that happens. A big one I'm real familiar with is that there are tons of gorgeous fundie christian girls, that marry equally christian dudes 2-3 points of attractiveness (or more) below themselves, simply bc the trait of being christian enough

Man, I love it when FACTS sound sexist or racist.

It's going to be really nice to have a sitcom where if anyone makes the comment of, "Another sitcom about a fat dad with a hot wife, oh yeah, TOTALLY REALISTIC GUYS", you can just point them in the direction of … reality.

Yeah, I definitely don't think that other people like Nicki Minaj also deserve to be punched or anything. Nice try with that crazy extrapolation to give yourself some weird soapbox, tho. I look forward to your reply in which you infer that my Nicki Minaj comment means I love violence towards women.

Yeah RichieOnTV is right. "Apeshit" was a compliment, btw - just FYI. I loved all of it. Plus, I've been there MANY times, as far as drunken posts/comments/etc that come across as angry when really I'm mainly just flustered haha. You got a ton of likes, though, so at least there aren't any people telling you to "calm

Yeah, I didn't go as ape-shit as you did, but I definitely wanted to. At least 75% of the "issues" that were mentioned can be explained by "It's on the FUCKING CW, Christ."

This has been the first 2nd Opinion Review that I've actually disliked. Mainly because the author of the review seems to similarly dislike the core concept/aspects of the show they are reviewing.

I completely agree, it's just wishful thinking. Granted, I don't know Parenthood, but I DO have a few gay friends that are obsessed with inferring homosexuality in TV characters, ESPECIALLY w/young guys like Travis.

The number of "I think he seems gay" characters - ESPECIALLY when it comes to young developing sons - would be utterly astounding if you based it all on a "vibe." To sorta-quote the KotH guys, "Having him just be gay wouldn't be nearly as interesting."

Not to sound too pretentious, but I feel like once she starts talking regularly, it'll be a clear demarcation between periods of the show. Same thing happened with Lily on Modern Family; there hasn't been a time jump like there has been on that show, but her being an actual character definitely changed things a tad.

Anyone else feel like Luke Perry looks a LOT like Jimmy? Or at least an older/more "traditionally handsome" brother? In the promos I seriously thought it was Jimmy in costume.

Yes, let us join hands together, united in glorious hatred for Aziz Ansari & Kanye West.

No, I understand that if I had meant THAT, I would be a colossal asshole. It just really bugged/shocked me that there were a bunch of adoptive parents flipping out on me! I'm not THAT big of a dick. Your cmt promising to apologize was ridiculously mature/awesome, btw. I simply did not think that the obvious "lol white

Holy BUTT FUCK. Guess if I'm gonna make a joke about how the child of a black man is whiter than I am (which is VERY WHITE, since I have to make everything explicit), I should be clear about WHICH awful thing I'm saying. A clusterfuck about adoption and in vitro fertilization…is everyone forgetting that MJ 100%

Shouldn't "son" be in quotes? I mean, honestly.

Wait…what? Do you mean bc they DO or DONT smoke? Bc being a stoner diminishes the experience. Only way I can handle the way being high in media is depicted is if I think back to the first 5 times I got stoned back in high school.

Ive had this conversation with so many people, but even though stoned-ness is misrepresented in media, even as a fairly young child, i remember thinking "so…they smoke a funny cigarette and it makes them happy…but they drink those beers, and it makes them yell and cheat on their girlfriends? i don't get it :("

For god's sake - if NOTHING else, pick UP your wife, and THROW her at the guy who is only armed with a freaking garden tool. I know it's a big guy, but still - totally agree.

I edited a comment that I posted under extreme duress (Read: watching this piece of shit hour of television for the 5 laughs I get vs the 20 near-rage-strokes) to say this:

The fact that this doesn't already have 10 likes is a travesty.