
No, I totally agree with all of THESE statements. I was mainly referring to things like the harpoon gun and the knocking over the platter, as well as the fact that most of these things indicate a person is DRUNK, not high - all of which has been stated above. Totally agree - free shrimp + weed? FULLY ACCURATE

Not to sound like a stoner hippie, but I would like it VERY much if TV stopped pretending that weed is the same thing as taking acid. I would EVEN settle for it pretending that weed is the same thing as drinking! Even though (as many of you know, I'm sure) it's pretty much the OPPOSITE.

Dat was barbecue sauce, bro!

The idea of the creators/writers/producers of one of the most misanthropic shows on TV having a discussion along the lines of "Carl NEEDS a gun, AND he had one in the comics by now!" "But think about the societal statement it will make!" … pretty amusing.

Oh, I "actually like The Following" too, but it's BECAUSE of all these issues, haha. They just add up to a show that is completely un-self aware and oblivious on so many levels, from things where you think they HAVE to know what they just did, but you almost don't want them to (like a woman saying "It's just a flesh

The SECOND that this episode was over, I thought to myself, "I bet the AVClub review for this episode uses the term 'status quo' no later than the 3rd paragraph."

PERSONALLY, Sandy Hook/Aurora/etc haven't crossed my mind a single time in watching this show. I feel like these sorts of criticisms of The Following would still exist anyway. And "Is TF a big thing" is a bit vague - it's a popular show that'll prolly get 2 seasons.

PERSONALLY, Sandy Hook/Aurora/etc haven't crossed my mind a single time in watching this show. I feel like these sorts of criticisms of The Following would still exist anyway. And "Is TF a big thing" is a bit vague - it's a popular show that'll prolly get 2 seasons.

Yeah it reads like he generally disliked almost every sketch? Weird.

Seeing Andy Daly being referred to as "Andrew" is weirdly jarring.

I feel the exact same way. Actually, my honest opinion is that while I don't 'ship them in any way, I DO for whatever reason really want them to cuddle with each other every time Sherlock goes thru some shit, haha. I'm like "come on, you're his sober companion - don't tell me cuddling isn't therapeutic!"

Not only is Katherine Heigl the worst, but her character was written as so utterly contradictory that I cheered for her cancer every chance I got.

Right, the only way I was really comparing it to The Wire WAS those loftier goals. I just made a poor comparison in trying to describe the show as "kind of up its own ass" as kindly as possible. (Not that The Wire fits this description - rather, shows that are TRYING to be The Wire usually fit it. Either way, poor

Well at the very least, I have to re-type my (very silly/personal) thoughts that it's fantastic to see another Grey's fan that is a MALE! My best (male) friend in HS watched it too, and it was always hilarious to see the looks on girls' faces when we knew what they were talking about about - the day after (SPOILER -

From my experience watching House Of Cards, it almost seems like they said "Hey, let's make the politics version of The Wire." Which…is why I can understand AVC criticizing it. Because it's so….NOT. But honestly, it's not like AVC is taking it to task in the same way as they do with, say, The Following? It gets B's! I

I don't think/know if it's because he had a guest spot on Dexter, but I honestly keep thinking, "Fkn A, Johnny Lee Miller is doing a WAY better job of 'Anti Social Personality Type expressing emotions he's unfamiliar with' than MOST of Michael C Hall's work on that show" - and he's doing it on a CBS procedural!

I typed up a really long, lovely response, thanking you piece by piece for such a wonderful dissection of the two shows, and expressing my happiness over finding another Grey's fan who understands exactly what the show is and what it's intentions are towards its audience…then AVC randomly decided to reload the page

This episode is a shining example of why I'm SO glad I stayed up to give this show a shot after the Super Bowl. I love watching shows flip expectations on their head, and Elementary makes me consider the fact that maybe "procedural" doesn't HAVE to be a four letter word. And this review hits all the nails on the head

I….do not understand this comment in any way whatsoever. Hahaha.

Speaking of Howard Kremer's "mild incoherence", can anyone tell me where the HECK that accent is supposed to be from? I'm not a regular Who Charted listener, but even from his occasional guest spot on other podcasts, it has ALWAYS bugged me. Is he REALLY just "American?" #NotRacist