
Thanks for confirming that I'm not going to listen to that ep. I was gonna ignore it due to Pete's ridiculous and ever-increasing propensity to flirt with his female guests, but then I heard the 1st 10 minutes/that whole "cum gutters" nonsense - which not only doesn't make sense AND isn't a thing ANYONE says, but is

Ok guys, confession time here: I am a huge, unabashed fan of Grey's Anatomy. I know the show is utterly ridiculous, usually pretty corny, and definitely undeserving of coverage on AVC. But something about the characterization and dialogue just…pulls me in. The quippy conversations make me laugh, and the completely

From the South (raised in NC, living in TX), tho I'm not sure how thats relevant

I totally get what he's saying? It's such a clunky sounding name that it's actually zero surprise that people WOULD make it "Ellie May" instead.

Same here. Speaks volumes of Justified's ability to make us buy into relationships; when she first got with Boyd, I was FURIOUS. Now I'm crying about their engagement!

Am I the only one who is continually infuriated at reading "Ellen May", when every goddamn character on the show CLEARLY pronounces it as "Ellie May"? Seriously, WTF. /nerd rage

I kept thinking it was David Burtka, NPH's husband? Every Google search I did doesn't really seem to rule it out, either. Waiting for IMDB to update so I don't go nuts, haha.

I can't figure out what's stupider, the fact that people are arguing over a woman's looks in a comment thread, or the fact that anyone actually thinks that "HEY LOOK A HOT PERSON" should actually bump up the grading on the quality of the episode.

- Anyone else notice that Emma literally said "It's just a flesh wound" to the future MURDER VICTIM? I almost fell out of my chair laughing at this.

Ugh, I am so sick of watching Plot Contrivance Theatre on The Walking Dead. If we were operating under the same kill or be killed logic as the rest of the season, Glenn woulda put a bullet in Merle's head in the first 5 minutes and dealt with Daryl's reaction accordingly.

I hope that in 20 years we look back at Girls, and THANK it - for making us realize that male AND female wish fulfillment fantasy are BOTH gross. Like, EQUALLY.

The audience LAUGHED when Bieber swung the mic back and forth in his second song.

Oh god the Poe masks make everything so fucking hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard at a man being set on fire. The fact that it's clearly supposed to shock the audience just keeps the laughter going.

I and a few other commenters believe it is. It honestly isn't "awful" across the board as far as just general performances go - I don't think theres TOO much issue with the acting itself, so if you're worried it'll be like some hammy CW show, it won't.

I'm glad I'm not the only one watching and laughing. Any unintentionally hilarious standouts you can think of? My personal favorite was "they're teaching him to kill."


Nope. It TOTALLY works as a cutesy song title, though, right?

You poor soul. You tried to use logic on a line from a novel written by Pete Wentz.

That's not near as bad as the “I’ve got ringing in my ears, but not on my fingers" line.

"Wait, who is Claire Matthews again?"