
*daywalker children, in case people might get upset with me

Form over function strikes again!


Infinite high fives for the inclusion of A Wilhelm Scream on this list. That song/solo still gives me chills like it did when I first bought that album. I don't know how many shreddy melodic punk bands there are nowadays, but they have definitely always been my favorite.

I kept trying to place where I knew Winston's hookup. Then during the credits, I was finally like, "OH, Jessica Chaffin! The only person to ever ruin an episode of How Did This Get Made! That explains why she's so great at playing someone awful!"

Is this the beginning of every website trying to look like a Surface Pro homepage?

Looking 1/2 Your Age + Superiority That Comes From Being Sober x OverAbundance Of Energy That Comes From Being Sober = Self-Confidence?

Come on guys, hurry up, I can't wait to see how you make the 3D CGI versions of the aliens look way worse then the practical effects from the 1996 original

"LOL, those freaking idiots at Marvel and Disney, giving a sequel to one of the first superheroes that women are actually into"

Every time I hear music where the lead vocal raps OR sings in a southern accent, I think of "Accidental Racist" and I laugh.

Yeah, and if it ever starts getting on your nerves, all you have to do is watch any interview with Ricky Gervais and you realize it's not so bad.

I love Pete Holmes. I love pretty much everything he does. And I enjoyed pretty much every single segment the show aired this week (except for that awkward Sexy Halloween Costume sketch). But for the sake of fairness, it DID feel weird to watch a TV show that felt like 3-4 Youtube videos stitched together. Not to be

It's stories like these that make you think about just how likely a "Sharknado Reboot" will be in 30 years

I hate to say it, but I agree. Parks will continue to be better than most other sitcoms week to week, but I have noticed a drop in quality. That said, I'm just as excited for new eps of B99 as I was during the first years of Parks & Rec, so…at least it's replacing that same exact feeling?

I really don't understand why this article/commenters are just assuming that a move to TBS automatically means the shows' inevitable cancellation. I don't know the difference in production costs between the two shows, but I would find it really hard to believe that American Dad on TBS couldn't even equal the ratings

I have to say, I laughed more at this episode than any SP I can remember recently, but that could be due to the fact that it's been a year since I saw a new episode. Nevertheless, to me it felt like the show was taking some of the bigger events of the last year and doing their version of this scene:

I agree. I hate-watch this show, but it's not because there aren't any reasons for what's being done (a la The Following) - it's because the reasons are often hilariously silly/dumb

Ok, so am I the only one who feels like Vogel has to be the Brain Surgeon?

@avclub-bd4918705794f8404db19a92c998b98a:disqus I would think they were considered smug because they made $ off idiots AND all they had to do WAS 'tone down their rhetoric.'