Jive Smirky

Louie lost me at some point last season when it started to remind me of the "Father, Mirror" art film that the teacher shows in the movie Ghost World.

This Mindy Project was a show that should have been great. I kept waiting for it to be great, but it never happened. I actually didn't even watch the last few episodes, after the "Mindy is pregnant" story began. I had a feeling that all the pregnancy cliches (Mindy has weird cravings! Mindy has mood swings!) were

Perry hasn't done anything good in 15+ years. Strays was decent, but the great escape artist was an abomination. Perry is an example of an old diva who can't bring it it anymore but still wants the diva treatment. Check out Eric Avery's interview with the guy who used to run xiola.org. It's still on YouTube I

It sounded like he was momentarily losing his cool. Breaking character, in a way.

I saw them on the Heatseeker tour and had no idea that Stevie was playing in Malcolm's place. Didn't have the pleasure of seeing a Bon-era AC/DC though, I was a few years too young.

Yes. And it's not a mock striptease, it's an actual striptease. He's very serious about it.

Because if there's one thing you remember about an AC/DC show, it's the crazy antics of Malcolm and Cliff.

They did a tour for that album, and it had one new song on it! Well one song and two short instrumentals, but still…

Maybe I'm just getting old, but it seems like the manufactured war on Christmas starts earlier every year.

I don't remember any character named Fifi in Happiness.

If only there was a way to make a television louder, our problems would all be solved!

does it ever get louder?

Because the Circuit City Theater was already booked?

Ticketmaster only lists a handful of dates as having Dr. Steve Brule. The rest are just Tim & Eric. Is there any way to confirm that Brule will be at all these shows?

Yo, it's about that time. To bring forth the burgers and the fries.

I want new episodes released on ViewMaster disks or not at all!

Sony is going to try and find somewhere else for this show to go, right? RIGHT??!??!! Yes, I'm in the denial stage of my grief right now. This sucks.

That was life! Ooh, ahh!
That's how you lived it!
And now you little brains are here to defend it!

Hopefully he'll make an appearance on Hardcore Pawn. 

And on Talking Bad, hashtag #itwasntasmileyfaceitwashisage