Jive Smirky

If he keeps it up he'll be on the HIGHWAY TO HELL wait that's wrong

It's like Uber, but with gongs.
-my pitch for Shark Tank

I will watch this show just because there is a slim chance I will hear the phrase "You sir, are no Jean Jean The Dancing Machine"

It's almost as if she's watching this season along with me! Seriously this show went full soap opera this season. Maybe this is what "let's get the cast an Emmy" looks like, but god it's so boring compared to past seasons.

And then he smeared his poop on the wall. Seriously though, that was the most disturbing "revelation" from the show, for me. Kid used to poop on his sister's stuff and also in her bed.


They opened and closed with it. But to be fair I think the second time they probably just reprised it. It was over 30 years ago but sometimes it seems like it was….27 years ago.

15 year old me won a pair of tickets on the radio to see Starship on this tour, which I think was called the Knee Deep In The Hoopla tour. They played "We Built This City" TWICE. I've never seen that done at a concert before or since.

You adore him in six second increments, here's TEN HOURS OF HIM!

It's good. I'm not sure I would have recognized it as a Stone Roses song if I hadn't known it was. it's a good song, but I'm not ready to say it's a good Stone Roses song, if you can dig that.

I don't think I can name a band that's had a bigger fall from grace than Jane's Addiction. Nothing's Shocking and Ritual were amazing. Strays was a decent into mediocrity. The Great Escape Artist was a disgrace and possibly a hate crime against music.

I just cannot stop laughing during any Bobby Bittman appearance on SCTV! That character just strikes a chord with me for some reason. The segment of him doing Polish jokes on the Sammy Maudlin Show, which was during the Polish Solidarity Movement… It's just perfect.

I sit at the table, yet my proper position is by your feet. What manner of scamp am I?
- Tartuffe, the spry wonder dog

"Are you being sarcastic dude?"
"I don't even know anymore."

I love this and I have listened to it about 10 times already. A++++ would listen to again

His older songs that are preachy are easily forgiven because….they're good songs. When you're preachy in a song that's shit it's pretty hard to take.

I'm a Morrissey fan and I can say without hesitation that his last album was awful. It probably didn't sell many copies and that's why he doesn't have a label.

I'm sitting back with a smirk, listening with my arms crossed. I'm questioning Dre's credibility, wondering if it's still in him to produce hits.

It's mostly saying that you forgot about American Beauty.