Jive Smirky

It made me laugh a lot.  I didn't sit there with a legal pad and take notes, and I didn't feel let down because it wasn't Remedial Chaos Theory quality stuff.  It's the first show with new people behind the scenes.  Even if I didn't know that (and God I sometimes wish I didnt know anything about showrunners) I would

The only joy the last season brought me, besides "hello, whore", was hearing Angel say "tableau".

The only joy the last season brought me, besides "hello, whore", was hearing Angel say "tableau".

It will be an album featuring a bunch of guys talking about clothes, money, jewelry and pussy.  This teaser trailer makes it seem much deeper than that though.

It will be an album featuring a bunch of guys talking about clothes, money, jewelry and pussy.  This teaser trailer makes it seem much deeper than that though.

I don't get upset about the Jim/Pam stuff like most people here do, but the Kevin stuff….
This IS the same Kevin who plays drums in a Police cover band, isn't it?  And also the same Kevin who at some point won a WSOP braclet?  I think that maybe Kevin is this show's Homer.  After a few seasons he just got really stupid.

I don't get upset about the Jim/Pam stuff like most people here do, but the Kevin stuff….
This IS the same Kevin who plays drums in a Police cover band, isn't it?  And also the same Kevin who at some point won a WSOP braclet?  I think that maybe Kevin is this show's Homer.  After a few seasons he just got really stupid.

Damn I guess a movie like Old Yeller would never get made today.

Damn I guess a movie like Old Yeller would never get made today.

Skyler's wine glass generously provided by Cougar Town.

Skyler's wine glass generously provided by Cougar Town.

She will either die or end up in a coma….

She will either die or end up in a coma….

I wonder if there will be a big lead up to Walt poisoning Skyler, or if it will just be a surprise.

I wonder if there will be a big lead up to Walt poisoning Skyler, or if it will just be a surprise.

Why does everyone assume I am a Capitalist?

Why does everyone assume I am a Capitalist?

Tosh just announced that he is going to become a prop comic.  Every prop is a rape kit.

Tosh just announced that he is going to become a prop comic.  Every prop is a rape kit.

Just starting watching this show.  This was my 2nd episode but I really enjoyed it.  Kind of started watching it due to Abed's references to it in Community, and also caught the Abed quote right at the begining.  Will probably check out a past season or two over the summer.