Jive Smirky

I was sort of upset at your grades and reviews after the first few episodes this season, but in retrospect I've looked at the grades this season and they pretty much line up with my opinion also.  I think I was trying to deny that one of my favorite shows had lost its mojo.  There have been bright spots but on the

"A mosquito ever suck on you, son?"
"I dunno, Dad."

Probably my favorite episode of the season.  Great cold opening.  Loved Creed's line "jinx, buy me some coke"!  Andy with anger issues is so much more fun to watch than the "Andy as Michael Scott" that we've seen this season up until tonight.

You're right! I just checked wikipedia and evidently it was created on usenet. The more you know.

Didn't American Pie coin the term "milf"? That's a word I dont recall hearing before the first film. Now you can't avoid it.

I've enjoyed all your recaps of this show.  Any predictions for changes for next season?  The obvious choice must be to replace Steve, but watching him every week became a guilty pleasure for me.

Pop Pop!

It looks like he's breaking wind is what I'm getting at.

Said the guy who doesn't own a whoopee cushion.

I'm waiting for the "King of Limbs: Just The Bleeps And Bloops" edition.

The last 4 or 5 episodes have really been hitting on all cylinders.  Don't get me wrong - been a Community fan from the start - but the last couple months have just been off the chart, on par with Arrested Development great!  In the first 2 seasons there were some bumps in the road (for this show a bump in the road is

Astro doing the same rap style every week with a different backing track and being treated as original and the future of music is awful.

I watched a few minutes of this show by accident.  Is it always so raunchy?  Seemed a bit early in primetime for jokes about vibrators and pants stained with period blood.

I've loved every season of this show…except for this one.  I keep asking myself if it would be better if they had cast different actors as Travis and Gellar because it just seems like Colin Hanks doesnt have the chops for this role, and Edward James Olmos just sucks the life out of every scene he's in.

re: obligatory complaint

I also want more of the "HI GABE!" guy.

WWFWD What would Funky Winkerbean do?

"It's a lifetime pursuit of balance and harmony."
"But with punching and kicking."

Yes, Boogie Nights reinvented Burt Reynolds' career.  He went on to star in hit movies such as the remake of The Longest Yard and also the remake of The Longest Yard.
The Desert Inn has heart!  The Desert Inn has heart!

I like that bit he did about how white people do things one way and black people do them differently.