
You sure this is how Christian Grey does it?

Velcro, actually.

Velcro, actually.

The Puzzler

The Puzzler

Met him on a corner and my heart felt new
Oh L. Ron Ron Ron, oh L. Ron Ron

@ late to the party

There have already been two films about getting purity of color on one side.

I took umbrage with the way she stuck her baby in the corner.

"I'm not thanking God, that was one of his creatures, and he threw it at us!"

I had planned to celebrate
by plying the neighbor's 8 year-old with Jesus Juice, but this seems like a better idea.

The Michael Jacson Memorial Art Center
No one under 12 permitted with parent or guardian

In the Macnamara article, she refers to the infamous Ambrose Bierce story as "Incident at Owl Creek Bridge".

Next thyme, ewes spell Czech. That whey, yew will no if a whirred is spilled wrong.

So wait, would proper form be, "I just took some Ex-Lax, and now my bowels are loser"?

Jim, I still lovingly remember the intro:

I "m with Jim Rockford. Growing up with KQED in the 70s and 80s, I was exposed at an early age to MP, Fawlty Towers, and locally produced Comedy Tonight. My die was cast, and I'm eternally grateful!

Too obvious?
Tiny Music… Songs From the Vatican Gift Shop

"Everybody should read "The Selfish Gene" and "The God Delusion right away. "

Had to deal with a sick kid
and missed the end. What was the diagnosis d'jour?