
The way it's edited I always figured that something like that was the deal. I was thinking he was basically saying "I wouldn't do no shit like that sober and just for the hell of it, but yeah I remember doing it when I was fucked up off coke."

"And wolf-pup is WAAAAYYYY cuter than the actual daughter. Sorry, but it's true. More wolf-pup, less child actress."

"And wolf-pup is WAAAAYYYY cuter than the actual daughter. Sorry, but it's true. More wolf-pup, less child actress."

Until that moment, Breaking Bad being back just felt like an awesome dream.

Until that moment, Breaking Bad being back just felt like an awesome dream.

@avclub-c923d8f64e256dde7c28bf1614d53602:disqus: Yes. Yes it is.

@avclub-c923d8f64e256dde7c28bf1614d53602:disqus: Yes. Yes it is.

It wasn't a high five it was a finger brushing handshake thingy. Even funnier.

It wasn't a high five it was a finger brushing handshake thingy. Even funnier.

I think my favorite part of that sketch is at the end where the screen says "No gays settlin' down."

I think my favorite part of that sketch is at the end where the screen says "No gays settlin' down."

"When going to school some people would refer to the 87th Street Target in
Chicago as “Targhetto” while the one on Roosevelt Road was “Targét.”"

"When going to school some people would refer to the 87th Street Target in
Chicago as “Targhetto” while the one on Roosevelt Road was “Targét.”"

The "Thank God!" line she gave Catherine when she told her she didn't have to entertain her kind of sold me on Sue finally.

Legolas had me howling.

Thanks for this post! That sounds awesome.

From the link spicoli323 provided:

The holy hell?

Did anyone catch Phi Phi saying the phrase "the fans I do have." Goddamn that killed me.

I kind of agree because I always feel bad for these very average looking women having to wash that shit off and return the dresses and going back to square one. I mean the show is good for the ole self esteem, but at least other make over shows offer makeup and fashion tips that these women could use for everyday.