
A guy sitting next to me at the viewing party said: "Phi Phi does not have the legs to pull off that outfit." I didn't even notice how awful she looked until he said that. The hell was she thinking?

Went to Spin's (Chicago gay nightclub) viewing party last night and had a ball. Free food, a drag show after, $4.50 cocktails (my cup lights up and shit) and Jade from Season 1 was there. She served me my drink and also corrected me when I said the name of the cocktail wrong. Awesome.

Yep. Same here.

Hell yeah Community! Letting Shirley be awesome!

A frakking MEN!

I agree with only one thing in your post:

I don't get the crappy child actors complaint for this show (I've seen it a number of times on these boards). Arya alone makes up for whatever the others may be lacking and thensome. And sure Joffrey and Sansa may be a bit one-note, but I would blame that on their roles more so than their acting. Joffrey is an evil

"After about three months she stopped calling."

YES. First thing I said when I saw that guy in the pilot: That dude looks like a biracial Andy Samberg.

If someone doesn't actually end up inspiring Ru to say "Jim Henson realness" on future shows it will be a shame.

Exactly. Sharon is the edgy, spooky queen, she gets away with looking a little rough around the edges if that's what she is going for. If you're a more glamorous polished queen then you need to be crisp. And Latrice's looks weren't cutting it.

"(Hell, Shangela was actually the only black contestant that season, period.)"

Exactly how I feel. Well said.

Maybe to a majority of white people it's been forgotten (which in America I guess means it's been forgotten), but Martin is still being shown on several channels (MTV2 included) and some of the biggest laughs I've ever gotten is quoting the show with friends in person and people online.

Same here nahska. Same here.

Yeah I really thought they threw Latrice under the bus. I love Sharon and everything, but there is no way she did a better job (or Mike did a better job for that matter) in that challenge. Fuck that.

That shit was offensive and this is coming from a black woman who doesn't really get offended by the retarded shit white people say to her damn near everyday.

"reminding me of how much I hate men"

Fuck my life. I never saw "Bitch I'm from Chicago!" That was the second season so that was when Untucked was online only right?

I'm really starting to dislike Michelle as much as Santino. And that is saying something.