
I think it was more word-vomit than her trying to parody anything.

Latrice is Polynesian?

Yeah I would've given this episode a B-. Kind of boring and it really pissed me off that Dan and Ru were trying to push the queens into being serious about it. I'm really glad Chad stuck to his guns.

"That ain't nobody zip code" killed me.

Yeah, seriously that's one of my favorite episodes. What was so uncomfortable about it? Those jocks were adorable.

I'm with you. It was uncomfortable at points. But I found myself loving that red light, green light thing.

LOL @ "ever since the first Jesus biscuit"

Yeah, Kudos to PhiPhi for that dance. I liked Willam better than PhiPhi, but I can't stand a cheating motherfucker.

"Gonna get a 14 karat ring the size of 14 mother fuckin carrots. Thats whats up, Doc!"

I wasn't the biggest fan of Shangela myself sometimes, but if someone thinks Manilla's part is better than hers then…I just can't compute that.

Unless you're referencing something else, I believe you meant "Damn, Gina!"

Personally I wouldn't eat BOTH in front of anyone together. On their own. I just… I don't know. It's food for goodness sakes.

"I thought Latrice's "I don't want gay marriage to be called marriage"
comment was a lot more disturbing than what Dida said about watermelon
and chicken."

Yeah I didn't know it was William who originally said it, I just got it from someone off this site. And I didn't think anyone was trying deceive anyone. It's just usually people on the internet are dead wrong about shit and you can't just repeat info like that was who Latrice was talking to just because you saw that

Don't forget "post apoptalyptic"!

I just thank God I found this site. TWOP and EW.com used to be my go tos for reviews and comment boards. Yeah I know. Two times the awful.

She doesn't eat watermelon in public. Seriously? Fuck racists. Chicken and watermelon is the shit. I will happily eat that in front of every white person on earth.

So the "you're balding bitch" was for Santino and not Jiggly. This is what happens when you listen to people on the internet.

That was sufficiently depressing. Totally loved Ducky in those Land Before Time Movies.

Hell yes Barbie Girl.