
I completely forgot this show wasted Vogue on Kenya Michaels and Milan. I just got really fucking sad.

Aggressively Lesbian Alicia Keys is my everything. And my band name.

Definitely. And I'm paraphrasing:
"What's your bra size"
"It's a medical mystery."

It's kind of hilarious to me that so many people here (and probably elsewhere on the internet) think that was too unrealistic or on the nose. I don't need a book to tell me that shit happened exactly the way it was portrayed.

I could just hear the "she right" in his head.

I laughed so damn hard at that. Just perfect. I don't give a shit that he doesn't sound or look anything like OJ, Cuba is killing it for me.

I love this comment so much. And this is from someone that really enjoyed both of those movies.

Dear God, yes.

There are people bitching over Lorde winning the songwriting award, a while I know I'm being biased because I love that song, I'm like "Thrift Shop" won best rap performance and song and "Black Skinhead" wasn't nominated for either. THIS is where your outrage should lie.

Apparently he did, but it was during the writer's strike so it never aired and they performed the show to a small crowd at a theater in NYC.

"and we carry death in our hearts."

"But the cook's coming back!" His delivery, the sheer panic and heartbreak, just killed me. I goddamn love Terry Crews.

Damn. That's a great list.

Yeah The French Mistake was great, but a couple of days ago watching TNT I was reminded how classic Weekend at Bobby's was.

Yeah The French Mistake was great, but a couple of days ago watching TNT I was reminded how classic Weekend at Bobby's was.

Oh wow. Totally read that in high school.

Oh wow. Totally read that in high school.

Exactly. I called Tara/Pam back then. Thought I was the only one who remembered that.

Exactly. I called Tara/Pam back then. Thought I was the only one who remembered that.

The way it's edited I always figured that something like that was the deal. I was thinking he was basically saying "I wouldn't do no shit like that sober and just for the hell of it, but yeah I remember doing it when I was fucked up off coke."