
I'm working my way through Dogeaters by Jessica Hagedorn and The Comfort of Strangers by Ian McEwan before the semester starts back up and I am drowning in paper

Actually, here's the real email:

I don't know if you've eaten at RR lately, but if you're in the PA area they have this "Ziosk" thing now. Little tablet at the table you can order stuff and pay your bill through, a few other chains are getting it. We constantly get emails about how we need to promote the Ziosk to give the customer the "gift of time"

This is what I get for not actually reading articles. Now everyone knows how proud I am to wait tables.

They're unlimited, as long as you have unlimited cash.

I've spent this summer waiting tables at Red Robin, and I'd like to clarify that this isn't really a menu item. It's an item, with a modification, and an upcharge drink with a modification on the side. Kind of cheating. That being said, our burgers aren't anywhere near good for you. I just think this is weird

Is it still worth seeing, though? I am generally a fan of this comedy team, so should I wait for it to hit HBO/Showtime/whatever, or would it actually be a decent film to go see on a date night this weekend?

I mean, you could argue "tragedy" as a whole form too, but I still think it's just astounding. The function of these characters in comic books is not (at least, not originally) to die, or to teach some sort of lesson about tragic flaws, or something similar. But then, for some reason, people who have fallen in love

I think comic books are the only medium where you can announce you're going to kill off a character and that's an "event" that people will pay extra money to see. "This season on Breaking Bad, Breaking Saul, the four part mini-event that sees everyone's favorite lawyer, finally take it all one step too far. Tune in to

I plan to dive into the Early Access of Adventurer Manager this weekend on Steam, which looks pretty neat.

Boardwalk Empire: I'm finally committing to catching up on this show, which I've been saying I would watch since it premiered. I'm about halfway through season two, and I'm in love. I have no idea why I didn't watch this before. While the acting and story is great, even just the costuming, music, and sets are enough

"Probably somewhere eatin fondue like a rich person might, with their own fancy chocolate fountain or some shit… Man, I wish I could get rich doing music…. Man, I wish I could do music…." - Drake

That's what's confusing me! That scene with Sally and Don was a pretty happy one for Mad Men, and I just still felt all bleh at the end of the episode. Maybe I'm just transplanting my despair that the show is ending onto this season and so I'm feeling sad about that, but I don't know, everything just seems awful to me.

Oh man, I love Mad Men, but this episode and the last one just depressed me so much. I don't think I have the heart for this anymore.

Oh jeez, I've heard of showing the gun, but that one seemed a little excessive, donthcha know?

No one famous went to my college, except a few NFL players (still, though, no one HUGE). But uh, my close friend's uncle is Keith Haring and my friend owns all the Haring pieces in the Philadelphia museum.

Uh, I believe he likes to be called David N-word…. The nerve of some people


I just like that you can put it down and not play it for a few days, and not be really hurt. I used to play a lot of World of Warcraft and if you stepped away for a few days you missed out on all the daily shit, on grinding out dungeons to try and get drops, and on the money your paying for the subscription. With the

I did a lot of reading. Finished Adichie's Americanah, finally, worked my way through a bunch of Foucault, and am almost done with Barbara Kingsolver's Homeland and Other Stories. The Foucault was required reading (I'm in an MA program for English lit), the others were just for fun. If you're at all interested in