
This guy I grew up with always brags about how he's cousins with Amanda Seyfried, so when Mean Girls came out in my (senior?) year of high school he got really popular somehow. Then we found out he's distant cousins and the closest he's come to even talking to her was like seeing her mom at a wedding once or some

And what about the moo cow.. AND WHAT ABOUT THE HAY!?

Yeah, I liked it. It had a pretty light flavor, which was not what I was expecting for such a dark stout, but then I realized it's only 7%. I don't think I'd buy it again, but I definitely enjoyed drinking it.

I think it would be a big deal to try to make a character more appealing to a general audience (or, probably a better word choice, "interesting") by changing their sexuality. Using orientation as spectacle/plot device/intrigue doesn't really work for me. But, they're not doing that, so, nbd.

Well shit. Maybe I need to reread these. Also, I'm now going to add "bisexual fuckslut" to my list of approved sexual archetypes.

I shame drank a bottle of Take the Black stout that I've been aging while watching this episode. Good times. Good times.

Quick question: