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Thanks for all the responses, guys. I'll take another listen with some of that stuff in mind.

That's basically the main reason that I have never been able to get into it that much. As much as I love the instrumental work, the off key singing just grates my ears into submission every time.

They used to be the most dangerous band in the world, after all.

That's a good point. I was thinking of it as failed noir, because of the crime, etc., but if they had pumped up the western elements, it probably would've worked.

As much as I was disappointed by the film, I thought Brooks was amazing.

I agree with most of the other comments on here. The director is obviously amazingly talented, but when I finished watching the film, I felt like he didn't understand the human element of noir at all. The only way noir works is if your protagonist is either literally or metaphorically looking for answers. Gosling

Yeah, my spotty recollection is that it was part of the character that came and went, some writers were like "sure he has superpowers!" and others took a more nuanced route so you weren't sure if he had them or not.

I don't think it's a retcon—Moench's run was always suggesting that the personalities were more than just a tool. Look at the way each of the supporting cast, even those who know they're assumed identities, always call him by a specific name (Jake-Crawley, Steven—Marlene, Marc—Frenchy) -he was literally a different

I wouldn't buy the explanation for Moon Knights identity problems at face value. MK's main theme has always been the question of whether he actually has a superhero origin, or if he just has mental illness combined with incredible guilt over his shady past (or some combo thereof). I can't imagine Ellis would just

I agree entirely. The last exciting game they put out was WCIII. Diablo 3 and SC II are just retreads of old formulas with nothing really groundbreaking added. I don't think it's a surprise that this change happened around when Roper and company left.

It's just you.

I like how Kurt is rolling his eyes at all the bullshit with the suits and umbrellas. He's always been the coolest member.

Ok, to be pedantic, AVclub can obviously do whatever it wants. But there is a lot of excellent non fiction memoir out there, and this stuff doesn't add much. It's basically just another blog.

I did not care for this. Most avclub features like this focus on the pop culture first and the personal anecdotes second. This is the reverse. I think it could work, and it's nice to have more writers/voices on the site, but it's gotta be about the pop culture first.

I put off buying the album because of that review, but I've listened to it since then, and paid her money for it. It's a great album. It's astounding how wrong the review was.

Ok, two year old comments, why hasn't anyone mentioned that that the toy plane Peter picked up shouldn't have been there, since it was bought as gift for after he was already living in the other universe?

They are an amazing band.

The best zep solo is "celebration day." Short, melodic, hummable and suits the song perfectly.

Yeah, good point—but I think that was one of the interesting things about the New U, was that you could see the intractable pull of superpowers and how quickly they would change the world.

Fair enough on Justice, I am the least familiar with it of the four titles. I may be letting the fact that I like Peter David's other stuff colour my opinion.