Often Posts

Yeah, this writer is high-handed without being the least bit funny. Reminds me of the record reviews in a free local weekly.

This owns. Thank you Sean O'Neal.

Did anyone else think the review itself was really badly written? The prose in the review irritated me so much that I didn't really see the bad writing that was supposed to be being discussed. The whole thing just seemed really glib.

"Untimed! The laws of cause and effect no longer applied to the Chargers,
and the bounds of reality were determined solely by their force of
will. CBS color commentator Rich Gannon suggested that the Chargers try
to draw a pass interference penalty, which would earn them another
untimed down. By that reasoning,

I loved the show, never bought the toys. I was 11 or 12 I think?

Deadlifts in Canada. Man was this guy way off.

My faith in the avclub is restored for another few months.

Agree. My top three are blue, maladroit, pinkerton. The rest I don't care about or for that much.

Nay sir I disagree. I can see its charms on its own, but the album version fits in the album much better. As noted the whole album is very metal-y and the rerecord is not metal-y enough.

Yeah, Cap convinced Matt to represent someone who wanted to sue him, and then hired Jen to defend him. It was a decent story, but not as a good as I wanted it to be. It was in the short lived, pretty good Soule She Hulk book.


This was an awesome undercover in case anyone missed it:

Boo ner new ner new ner new nah

*casts atonement on both of us*

"Registration Day"
by G. Gavin Gunhold

I have a singed copy of Don't Care High. I still reread A Semester in the LIfe of a Garbage Bag and Son of Interflux from time to time.

Gordon Korman is amazing and as much as I love your schtick, it sucks that the first post on this article is about that, and not him.

Those lyrics read both ways. You can clearly read them like "this is justified blowback" OR "they are naturally evil."

I was so happy when the reviewer dropped the p-bomb (he knows what Phrygian means!) and then so sad when the review turned out dumb anyway. This is why we can't have nice things.

Great interview, thanks for this.