"She's not fine! Look at her eyes! She's the girl who hides the chicken under her bed in 'Girl, Interrupted'!"
"She's not fine! Look at her eyes! She's the girl who hides the chicken under her bed in 'Girl, Interrupted'!"
It was definitely a highlight.
It was definitely a highlight.
The Swan bit itself is pretty dumb, but that episode will always have a special place in my heart solely for the ending with Lorelai & Rory discussing sex. It's tears me apart, mostly in part due to Lauren Graham's typically amazing acting and that damn sad la-la.
The Swan bit itself is pretty dumb, but that episode will always have a special place in my heart solely for the ending with Lorelai & Rory discussing sex. It's tears me apart, mostly in part due to Lauren Graham's typically amazing acting and that damn sad la-la.
I don't need the show to realistic, but I would have liked it to have a more natural progression following a central character dying. Watching this episode, I'd be hard pressed to believe Hubbell ever existed to these people.
I don't need the show to realistic, but I would have liked it to have a more natural progression following a central character dying. Watching this episode, I'd be hard pressed to believe Hubbell ever existed to these people.
I'm pretty annoyed with the show for handling Hubbell's death the way it has these past few episodes. I don't care about the character himself, but he was Fanny's son and had some sort of establishment in this town. I get that it's a light show and there's probably some sort of mandate for how much "sad time" they can…
I'm pretty annoyed with the show for handling Hubbell's death the way it has these past few episodes. I don't care about the character himself, but he was Fanny's son and had some sort of establishment in this town. I get that it's a light show and there's probably some sort of mandate for how much "sad time" they can…
Daniel Palladino's quality is certainly unpredictable; when he's bad, It's BAD. His work especially, in seasons 5 & 6 is mostly atrocious.
Daniel Palladino's quality is certainly unpredictable; when he's bad, It's BAD. His work especially, in seasons 5 & 6 is mostly atrocious.
I have major issues with the reaction from his best friend for sure. If you're going to play off someone acting THAT calm and collected in light of someone's death, just make him a stranger lawyer. In Fanny's case, I'm thinking she's just holding it together for her students.
I have major issues with the reaction from his best friend for sure. If you're going to play off someone acting THAT calm and collected in light of someone's death, just make him a stranger lawyer. In Fanny's case, I'm thinking she's just holding it together for her students.
Agreed, though I'm hoping that this love triangle doesn't take away from the far, far more interesting Lacey situation.
Agreed, though I'm hoping that this love triangle doesn't take away from the far, far more interesting Lacey situation.
Still bitter Susan 313 wasn't ordered to series. Fucking NBC.
Still bitter Susan 313 wasn't ordered to series. Fucking NBC.
Since the pilot, this show is still very much a work in progress. I love watching it, I'm greatly enjoying it, but it's struggling a bit to balance everything together and setting up Paradise.