Johnny Debitcard

Amadeus is also the great-great-great-great-great-Godfather of German one-hit wonders via Falco.

[Picks up coat, GTFOs].

I was counting the Like votes, but got confused.  It was either 25 or 6 to 4.

"Lazy Cowgirl" is where the woman is on top, but she doesn't really want to be there.

I wonder if it will be like the Michael Vick Experience:

She's so Monae, but she just doesn't know it.

Ain't no particular side I'm compatible with,
I just need your extra time and your GRITS!

But it would have been great for motorcycle helmet fans…

Is that William or Harry?

Best protest song still is "Free Nelson Mandela" by The Specials.

Hello Children!

Is it CancerSmurfs or SmurfAids?  I forgot which way it goes.

I wonder if he now regrets turning down all that Smith's reunion cash he could have made.

There is a man who never goes out…

Japanese Girls: "Pay Me! Pay Me! Pay Me!"

Also, I think George Clinton would not classify his art as "fiction."  I'm pretty sure that's his real vision of reality.

The secret of Faygo is a mystery, just like the unsolvable problem of how magnets work.

Early Alda with Trapper John and Frank Burns.  Became too much with BJ and Winchester.

Dog-Lewis  can't lose!

I can't believe Ziggy's in Wiston-Salem is still going.  Saw a lot of great shows there back in the 90's.