Johnny Debitcard

It's a difficult concept to tackle.

"All I wanted was a Pepsi, but she wouldn't give it to me!"—Repo Man Soundtrack

"Candygram" flavor for the retro set.

Three Way flavored is the same, it just adds glitter.

I eat it after I JUST HAD SEX!

I'm glad they didn't go with "Ice Cream Coneheads"

Yeah, the well wishes are nice and all, but when can we put our collective harm voodoo mojo onto Wal-Mart, the true source of evil.

Albert Einstein: world class douche.

I think we can safely keep "toxic" in the present tense.

Unlike your Mom!

Private Pyle, did your Mother have any children that lived?!

On the next album, he rips out your still beating heart…

And when your Mom opens up her "Ark", the smell causes Nazi faces to melt off!

He's a M.I.L.C.H., a Man I'd Like to Constantly Hit.

That's why he has lived in his basement ever since the traveling Freak Show went out of business.

And the music video to "Fish Heads." Yes, "fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads."

There is a mouth and it never shuts up….

I liked Mac better as a solo act.

That McCaughan guy hasn't put in enough effort to make this a success. What a slack motherfucker.

How Cheap Trick's lyrics to "Surrender" would have been different if wrten i 10 years later.