
Can Tree of Life be on here too? Or does that not even really count as a movie

really? bridesmaids was groundbreaking and hot rod is a since-classic? seriously?

You gave me a swastika scar!

Although it could be so much worse, like any of the radio singles of their last CD. This song sounds tolerable now, but I'm sure that will change when they play it every 20 mins on the local rock station for 6 goddamn months

It is a gorgeous movie, but as an adult I can see what he means. There was such great suspense in the other movies, it really kept you riveted to the screen. It's still really good though, it's just definitely aimed at kids

Wow, I can't believe there are actually hipsters with dead enough hearts to hate the Little Mermaid… it's fucking charming, and the songs are great. Quick, let's go burn all the great books and movies because they're not PC enough

Yup it averages 11 bucks in LA. However, contrary to an earlier comment, traffic laws are not federal but state, therefore it is not always legal in the US to make a right on a red. As to the prices of the ticket, I believe it's set by the theater owners, but in response to what is being charged by the studios to show…

I thought me and two of my friends were the only people to ever see this film. I still crack up thinking of Chevy Chase saying "Hindsight is 20/20" after the story about him betting against Rocky in Rocky IV

There's bling in them thar hills!

Jorge: "failure 5 cents" makes you king of the AV Club Hipsters for today. i seriously laughed really hard at that

Also, Cabin Fever rocks! screw you haters!

I can't believe Im the first to put up Unbreakable, which I consider the worst film ever made. I would not watch anything with Bruce Willis for 5 years after that.

I will tear this new ipod to pieces, and throw every piece into a fire

I'm not sure how people outside of California eat burgers. If you don't have In N Out, you are eating sub par burgers. We also have Tommy's and Fatburger, which are ok, but In N Out is the unrivaled king. And those restaurant burgers like chilis, cheesecake factory, etc. are just weak.

Ok I just went to the ZMF twitter and then to the ZMF myspace. Was anyone else aware that ZMF is selling t shirts?

Ok I just went to the ZMF twitter and then to the ZMF myspace. Was anyone else aware that ZMF is selling t shirts?

My roommate was really into the show, and I saw one and it was pretty good. The only reason I avoided it was jut resentment towards anyone involved with Malcolm in the Middle.

I was actually a little impressed when they said he wrote it at age 16. And completely blown away by the whole "40 million copies" thing. I wonder how many of those were "cassingles"

power overwhelming?

So very, very true. But I did love the first Waynes World, and the first 2 shreks were cute. I don't hate the guy, plenty of stars are assholes. And even good comedians make plenty of flops, this was really his first genuinely bad, unfunny movie. Still a good track record for most comedians.