
God that pimping scene is funny. I still say that to women, with variable reception.

Wow i am totally the opposite… i actually think the new movies started out sucking badly and only now are they finally crawling back into their element. Which is sad, because it makes me feel like they were just starting to get good again and now they may be gone forever. Sigh.

Smokin Aces and Crank = Super Shitty

I'm just not sure I want you getting Ann all glittered up for Easter



Why did people like Knocked Up again?

Don't mention the First, I think I got away with it but don't do it again!

you're overcomplicating things… it's clearly the pansy brigade. And is it a problem that I would probably go see a rock version of the nutcracker?

you're overcomplicating things… it's clearly the pansy brigade. And is it a problem that I would probably go see a rock version of the nutcracker?

you're overcomplicating things… it's clearly the pansy brigade. And is it a problem that I would probably go see a rock version of the nutcracker?

It was really good, and a hell of a lot creepier than I expected. Probably one of the scarier movies ive seen in recent years

thank you chief starving bear

shut up doug!

Steve, they say you got the Crazy eyes

The giant alarm over the bathroom door: DIDN'T WASH HANDS

the Clash kicks ass and always will. There, I said it

I actually think rappers pick some great songs to rip off. Did puffy puff pizzle pick the one for "No no no Notoriousss"? Because that rocks

dreams of fuckin an R&B bitch
Im just playin….. but I'm Sayin

What would you have me use? Opera? Like a beggar?