Jef Costellos Beloved Fedora

Y'know, as much as I like "We Are Young," I can't help but feel that it's a tremendous waste of Janelle Monae. You get someone who is arguably today's best female vocalist, and that little bridge part is all you give her? Tsk, tsk, Fun..

Makes me wish I had more opportunities to do drag, so I could make a drag prep playlist and add this song.

Didn't think it was possible for the Magnetic Fields to get even queerer. Can't wait for the new album.

They don't sell single day passes anymore, do they?

Oh god. Somehow I'd forgotten Don't Look Now. Thanks. Now I won't be able to sleep for a week.

The scene in The Innocents where Peter Quint approaches the window. I get chills just thinking about it.

Or it makes you look like you're from non-English speaking country and selling penis pills.

Yeah, I saw Control during its brief theatrical run, and I would've walked out if it weren't for the photography and the soundtrack. As a movie, it's fairly dull, but as a long-form semi-narrative JD music video, it's quite entertaining. I liked Riley's performance, though. The script was more to blame than he was,

… that made more sense in my head.

"Jesus Christ, just stop already" is the new "is the new".

Nothin' says respect like hauling out the good ol' C word.

"some sort of hot-pink hobgoblin"

Voltron was an 80's cartoon?
I thought it was an early 90's thing. I was barely alive in the 80s, yet I have memories of Voltron… shit, have my parents been lying to me about my DOB?

You know what'd be cool…
…is if this was expanded into an all-out A.V. Con. Bands playing in one area, other areas for film screenings, author readings, panels, meet 'n' greets, etc. Like Comic Con but curated by Rabin and the gang, and also not festering with sweaty cosplayers.

What's the bumper music?
Is it that Dawes band y'all are so crazy about?

The spell is coming from inside the house!

Yeah, it wasn't as god awful as I expected — probably because they cut the shit about Harry's godson and Ron's driver's license, ugh — but I really wish they'd just gone out on a shot of the trio looking triumphantly into the distance or something. I think the ending would've been a lot more powerful that way.

"I, Midget":

I've known a couple people who refer to their father as "Pops", so I guess it's a similar thing… yet "moms" is somehow insufferable.

Nah, but you can be sure he'll tweet and Facebook-update about all his adventures!