Technically, she's not stuck in the loop. After he disappears I guess she just goes about her normal life, since he reappears however many seconds earlier.
Technically, she's not stuck in the loop. After he disappears I guess she just goes about her normal life, since he reappears however many seconds earlier.
Batman's punishment of Chronos is pretty severe if you think about it. Basically an eternity of torment, maybe it stops if the time machine runs out of juice.
Even if the take drops off sharpely the next week, I'm pretty sure those horror movies are made on the cheap and make a profit in one weekend. Unless actors like Patrick Wilson command a higher salary than I assume. Plus, I'll bet they make a mint in Redbox rentals down the road.
I gave up on this show after the first season, but decided to watch it last night to see if it improved. Nope, worse than I remember.
You don't have to watch Dynasty to have an attitude
Isn't this "video game matchup inspires actual matchup of retired boxer" pretty much the same plot from Rocky Balboa?
Chin up, Rocky, don't feel bad about me. Got my star-spangled top hat back.
I'd like to see a full-length version of Fake Purse Ninjas
Tried watching Low Winter Sun, and it just felt like Wire-lite. Just like Hell On Wheels felt like Deadwood-lite.
you poked, I peeked
Mark Millar's checklist: Rape, gratuitous violence, dialogue and characters designed for easy screenplay transition, quickly outdated pop-culture references… what else am I missing here?
Tomorrow a new movie starring Liza Minneli and Mickey Rourke is opening. Will it be as successful? Only time will tell.
Also, it's a tie between this and his role in Drag Me To hell as his best-ever.
One of my favorite lines is when he says "Who made all of this?" when walking along a picket fence, as if the whole town was a prop.
Some of my friends hated this movie, even ones who were Mamet fans. I thought it was really funny, not sure why it didn't click with them.
Supposedly some kind of faster-than-usual train system going in between St. Louis and Chicago. I'll believe it when I see it though.
Alt-universe evil doppelgängers kind of make no sense. Your existence depended on all of your ancestors, and their ancestors, hooking up at some point. So in this alternate Earth, all of those millions of random circumstances happened exactly the same over time, but in evil ways?
I liked Pitch Black a lot. Chronicles of Riddick felt more like Stargate than a Pitch Black sequel (or was it prequel?).
This article reminded me I read 2/3 of the book several years ago and never finished it
Fingerprinting was a cinch. The assistant troop leader got on my case for not trying, so over one summer I earned as many merit badges as humanly possible, just to be a jerk. Mainly went for the easy ones, but also worked in a couple of mile swims just to get those patches as well. Then the assistant troop leader…