Didn't care for Burn After Reading the first time. After repeated views, it just got funnier to the point almost every line is quotable.
Didn't care for Burn After Reading the first time. After repeated views, it just got funnier to the point almost every line is quotable.
Impossible to read that and not think of Ren & Stimpy instead of The Big Country
Or Michael Clayton
Was he even nominated for Eternal Sunshine? If not, that's a double screw-job
I still say his first role is his best, you just cant beat his character in Dazed and Confused. So good.
He was also the best part of The Lion King, which IMO was an overrated movie. Not bad, just not great (except for Irons).
I'm smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I'm smart, and I want respect!
Agreed. Also, Sean Penn deserved the award for Milk, but honestly I wish Rourke would have gotten it instead for The Wrestler.
Easily my favorite movie of the past 12 years, but it doesn't connect with some people. Different tastes, I guess.
I think the nightlife sequence you mentioned would be great to experience, but as far as an on-set scene I think it would be hilarious to be there when Murray was at the Suntory photo shoot, riffing on James Bond and the Rat Pack.
It would be hard to walk through a Godzilla set, and not succumb to temptation and just start smashing the buildings.
Not in the face!
That is a great holiday movie. Was always guaranteed to be on at least once around that time when I was a kid.
As much as people like to harp on Clara or Missy or Danny, I thought the worst thing out of last season was Cyberbrig. What an insanely stupid send-off for a great character.
As much as I like Delgado, for some reason Ainley almost takes the top spot for me. Probably because he was playing the role when I first stared watching Who.
I havent kept up with Sherlock, so not sure if he's actually a hologram on that show or if you were making a Star Trek joke.
Exactly how I feel about those characters. I would have been perfectly fine with a whole new set of companions for the next season, truthfully.
Hard to judge on one 15-minute episode, but this looks like if it's done right, it could be Disney's answer to Steven Universe.
They have their priorities mixed-up. Gravity Falls comes out with new episodes something like every other month, while shit like Lab Rats seems to be a new episode every week,
What a concept for a movie: tell the story of a "designated ugly fat friend", but hire an actress who's neither ugly or fat. Oh, and she's gotta play a high-schooler even if she looks 28.