
Moonlight is fantastic.

That part was played by JK Simmons.

He's that good.

La La Land is an actual good movie though. It will not be forgotten that quickly.

That does seem like a movie a substitute teacher would take the class to instead of actually teaching, doesn't it?

Not, since it wasn't that good a movie.

He forgot the /s tag.

I watched the entire series and I was asking the same thing. I didn't understand what was so great about the show overall either though.

Saying something is a "modern day western" is cliché, but in this case it fits.

Yeah, that matters I suppose, at least if someone hasn't actually seen them.

It's not even that long, give it a chance. :) EDIT: well apparently it's 1:52. Still, under 2 hours!

Andrew Garfield is almost nominated for Silence at least.

He was barely IN RR though. Maybe I'm just excited because I felt like "99 Homes" should've earned him an actor win- and he wasn't even nominated. Andrew Garfield was great in that movie too. One of my favorite movies of the 10's.

Even at 160 minutes, the movie felt abruptly ended to me - I would've loved to see more. I agree that the ending didn't fulfill the promise of the earlier parts of the movie, but it still worked.

Hidden Figures is in, and the magnificent Silence is not. Hidden Figures came out even later, didn't it?

I've been a fan since before his name was merely hard to pronounce. It used to be IMPOSSIBLE.

I absolutely LOVE Moonlight, but yeah, I could see AT-J over Ali, easily.

Well, so do I.

Michael Shannon though!!!! So excited to see him nominated.

Yeah, good adaptation. The short story is a lot more interesting, but the movie adaptation is pretty brilliant in the way it visualizes the alien languages.