
Happiest about: "Hell or high water" in Best Picture and Screenplay category.

His name was EVERYWHERE in the marketing. I have no idea what QPWC is talking about.

Sean Spicer is an early and still fan of Star Trick, thank you very much.

Plenty of time for that in all the non-Skywalker spinoffs. Patience, Padawan.

"Maybe, just maybe, some of us like entertainment as a form of escapism
and don't need or want politics rammed down their throats everywhere
they go."

Also ethically diverse.

Agree with every grade, except ID: Resurgence. The ridiculously over the top destruction scenes and the last desert battle earns it a 2/4 from me.

" It should be fairly obvious"

Think about this: Modine's character = g-man
Monster = part of Eleven's ego
Ego + G = EGGO

I hope the Russians love their nerdy children too.

A) You seem personally slighted that Oliver talks bad about Trump. That's hilarious.


Some of that is true. Most of it is hyperbole.

"Kind of rich for this guy to talk about Trump's "racial bigotry" when
Nigel Farage won an election on a platform steeped in racial bigotry in
his own country."

The policies that the GOP actually cares about, cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations and diverting as much as possible of the tax revenue that does exist to those groups as well, are complete non-starters. It's impossible for them to win elections on the issues that are their only reason to exist.

"Trump's platform is basically where it's at because he said things boisterously promising to change the system."

Astute observation.

If Oliver really wanted this, he should've said "Donald, you will NEVER ever tell us that the campaign was an intentional practical joke! You will never ever drop out and become the most famous candidate in history!"

I have one question for Nick Offerman: "Are you sometimes called "The Bear?""