
There a few lines of dialog and acting/directing choices in this movie that ring a little false, but everything else feels like it could have been filmed at the scene.

Sadly not. Not even "Run through the Jungle" when they're running through the jungle. That's why it's being called "subtle" by critics.

Perfect summary. There was no intensity to the proceedings, instead it was all played incredibly safe. That was the biggest flaw of the movie. I give it a B.

I found my opinion of the movie to be closer to IVs than yours, but I can still see where you're coming from easier than I can understand IVs glowing praise. This fell short of being a great movie by never taking advantage enough of it's themes of exploration and obsession. Why they spent so much time in Britain and

Unfavorably, to say the least.

He can't direct action scenes either. Everything was incomprehensible in this movie, and it wasn't intentional to reflect character confusion (the most charitable interpretation). High Rise was the worst movie I saw last year, and this managed to make 85 minutes seem like two hours. Wheatley is really overrated.

You're thinking of Solo. This was Seoul-Oh.

The reviewers all compare endlessly to the animated 1991 version, but I have never seen it, or any other iteration. I thought it was great entertainment.

I saw it in XD 3D and it looked fantastic. It is clearly "filmed" with 3D in mind - the wonderful sequence with embroidery floating in the air and attaching to the dress, for example, can't be as spectacular in 2D.

What was it? Did he get shot at the end?

Why is she and/or Trump calling for an investigation into the executive branch which Trump is the HEAD OF. They can just start their own investigation! Nobody else will have more info than they themselves do.
This makes no sense. Do they not know how their own branch of government works?

Agree completely. It's gorgeous, overlong, self-serious, silly schlock that crosses the line into parody over and over.

Depending on the angle of the seating, and where people sit, most people will not even notice. Plus it's understandable, it's easier to see someone you're looking for from the front.

It's a love letter to dreams and choosing your path in life as an independent person. Represented by Hollywood, but fairly universal themes.

I'll take that over chatter any day.

Deliberately making life worse for millions of people is the only guiding principle of the right.

After "Seasons on the abyss" they haven't done anything of value. They've recorded the same shitty tuneless albums with completely forgettable riffs for 20 years now.

Here's what I loved the most:

I would almost be shocked if this photograph doesn't turn out to be from Obama's inauguration. Like the cake.

This whole White House is really the real life version of Mr Burns and the Simpsons GOP.