
There's always the Oedipus solution.

If it happened once, it would be understandable. But every fucking article. It's no fun.

IOKIYAR(egular), apparently.


Yes it does.

Yes. That's why I know it was about how female celebrities are treated in the media.

My comment was in relation to the comment I responded to (how people are interested in celebrities appearances), not the topic of this article.

I guess I'd know if I read them. I literally just meant that looking at the newsstands I get a different impression. Lots of magazines about celebrities, aimed primarily at women, with the focus on appearance. I have no idea if they're written by women or not, but I'd imagine women's magazines employ quite a few women

I assume it's the readers?

"That emotionally draining thing, it's also exhausting on my end when I feel like im really trying to intellectualize something, and someone disregards that process entirely."

It's about EMPOWERMENT though.

What? That's a weird thing to disagree on. That is what this article is about. Did you read it?

I never expected that for THAT comment, to be honest.

"The point is that women's musings don't get published under the guise of journalism"

I doubt the AV Club wants 89 comments of "You go, girls!" and are much happier with 1100+ comments of discussion.

About CELEBRITY women.

Forget it. This is not a place to be evenhanded. You're either with the AV Club or you're an MRA. I have no idea who you are, you might be an MRA. But believe me, this is NOT the place to discuss anything regarding this.

Judging by the media, I'd say women care much more about this than men do.

Celebrities in general, male AND female, have their appearance discussed and criticized all the time.

A creepy male journalist? Now I've heard everything!