

The mere existence of this show with this cast antagonizes the right wing.

That's how I feel about 99% of what AVC writes about.

And every episode ends with them flying home to JFK and remarking "This is what we fought to get back to?" as they walk past the terminal Starbucks.

Exactly. A Furies-less Warriors is a terrible idea.

The glowing reviews for TFA are truly baffling when you compare to reviews of other big budget franchises, but you make a good point that explains it - Star Wars nostalgia is the most powerful of all.

"I'm not concerned if you find him threatening or not."

"Why if the cops have a killer, and the killer is willing to acknowledge
burying the body, would they go to all the trouble of pinning it on

"it would make no sense for him to confess to helping dispose of the body if he was in fact the murderer."

I don't see it. His face has a friendly expression and he doesn't look threatening at all to me, at least not more than anyone his height.

"He looked like a skinny, scared kid in the the photos most people have seen of him. He looks far more physically imposing there."

Too soon!

"But"? Shouldn't that be "and?"

That's a great description.

I think it was that stoner dude. Mostly though I think it was sad how the cops coached him to say whatever they wanted to hear in order to convict Adnan.

He apparently already influenced that cop next to him to look the same!

"Walking out of the theater I told myself it was good, but I've grown less fond of it." Same here. I REALLY wanted to love it, but it's too much ersatz Spielberg and a little too heavy handed for its own good. I like it though, and I seem to enjoy the ending more than most. I think its low budget didn't do it any

Sure. Especially if you like 80's "government is coming after you" thrillers.


You do?