
I wish Aziz was as funny as he is likeable and smart.

I agree. Collet-Serra has now taken three movies with very pulpy premises (Non-stop, Run All Night, and The Shallows) and made them way better than they really have any right to be. I wonder if he's just benefiting from low expectations or if he'd be able to elevate even better screenplays as well.

Adam Baldwin's character takes the pulse of Okun as he's knocked out on the floor, and looks up with an expression as if to confirm he's dead. But nobody says he is and his character is never mentioned again. I'll allow it.

Yup summer blockbusters, first weekend = 20-25 minutes after announced start time.

"some of my less lovable countrymen and women seemed to take this as a referendum on immigration"

Blake Deadly sounds like a role Lorenzo Lamas would've played in some 80's direct-to-video C-grade action movie.

And then her bikini falls off and we see everything

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the trailer. But that would be too easy.

This is the AV Club. We're not supposed to be excited about anything!

Or not.

I'm very curious about how close to ANH they will end the movie.

There's really no comparison between what Allen has done and allegedly did, and what Polanski and Cosby definitely did.

The idea that everyone pretends that Ronan Farrow is Allen's biological son cracks me up.

She thinks Allen is a good writer and director and wants to be in the movie? Just spitballin'!

It's actually a misunderstanding. It's Chad Vader, now head of human resources, that's in Rogue One.

Right before "Star Wars: A New Hope". It's about the mission to steal the Death Star plans.

I thought Celebrity was absolutely awful.

Maybe this is a turning point where we're finally realizing that these type of Allen jokes are at the level of Leno's "Clinton is a womanizer" jokes from the 90's.

I've given up on this idiotic debate, but thanks for trying to remind people of the facts.

"Waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaah" - Kirk Hammett