
Winslet was delicious in the underrated "Triple 9". It was good her role was small, they wouldn't have had any scenery left after she was done chewing otherwise.

It got a few decent reviews. I don't know why anyone that likes "extreme" horror wouldn't like it.

Same here.

I didn't see Knock Knock yet, but "The Green Inferno" was surprisingly good.

I tried for Prophets of Rage, no go there either. I don't know what section to pick, and I guess I won't know until I go through and try different sections.
I don't really care, but this is a big scam it seems…

"C-list shows in C-list venues" is their new slogan, to be fair.


How dare she!

The names Nat Turner and Nate Parker together like this are very confusing. One of them should be called something else.

That doesn't hurt though.

As a non-feeling person I do the same.

And also nothing like it.

Did you put on your robe and wizard hat?

I was excited about Season 5 of "Sluts" until I realized it was "Suits". :/

Seinfeld wins overall.

It's "Clavin".

Yes it was a great cute movie about a little bird. Made me happy. Unlike that weird-ass volcanoe thing.

I wish someone had done a "You see, Warriors? You see what you get when you mess with the Cavaliers?" meme for the NBA final last night.

The clip that was shown on The Daily Show the other day was glorious. Gave me high hopes for this movie.

Good Lord, that is the dumbest fucking design ever.