Jaimes Right Hand

His movies absolutely are losing their box office draw though. Blended only made $46 million at the domestic box office. If we take a look at 50 first dates, his last movie with Drew Barrymore, it made $120 million at the domestic box office. Sure, if we look at worldwide box office numbers, we can say blended made

Sorry, review was the wrong word. It was just a reaction to the overall user average, but I suppose trolls could have added a few F ratings. Still surprised at the number of B ratings though.

Just on the user ratings of the episode. More F's and grades in the B range than I was expecting

What's with the surprisingly low reviews of this episode? I thought it was astounding. My one negative would be that Martha wasn't in the episode at all, so we don't know the full extent of her reaction to seeing Clark turn into Philip, but I'm okay with not seeing that because every single second of this episode was

Clearly The Americans has a demographic, because so did I! 4 teeth pulled, a spacer for 5 years and braces for a year and a half, but I didn't need head gear so it was worth it!

Yes! She knew it was going to hurt but she was prepared for it, and she was literally holding onto him for support throughout, she knew she could get through it with him there. They may be in a rough spot right now with the Paige situation, but clearly they still trust each other more than many real life couples do.

My best friend was sitting next to me and I just looked at him and said, "There's no way I'd let you pull out my tooth."

That tooth pulling scene was so cringe worth, but also so intimate. The amount of trust you need to have in someone to let them do that to you, and the pain you could see in Elizabeth's made you feel how intense this situation was. And that car chase, my god, this show manages to make what would normally be boring

That episode was definitely fantastic, easily the best of last season, but this one completely blew me away.

I'm really enjoying these 2017 jokes so far. They're a nice source of new types of jokes for the show, and they're employed with a decent amount of subtlety.

Wow, Leslie and Ron was a fantastic episode. It was possibly the most emotionally raw this show has ever been. Giving Ron that type of vulnerability was unexpected and legitimately touching. Definitely the best episode of the show in a long time. It may have been light on the laughs, but this episode blew me away in

When I was about 4, Jumanji was one of my favourite movies, along with Free Willy. I must have watched it at least once a month. To this day, if I see it on TV, I'll sit down and watch the whole thing through, because it brings back memories of a childhood before things ever got complicated.

He's also a member of graffiti6, and they're actually pretty good. That being said, this article feels, dare I say it, Dawesesque.

Being from outside of Saint John, NB, there is one name I'm extremely proud to say is from here, and that is Donald Sutherland. Sure, he moved to Nova Scotia as a teen, but dammit we had him for a little while.

Seriously, I started coming to this site to read reviews on Community and Arrested Development. Not only were Todd's reviews of Community among the best pieces of criticism I had read, they caused me to explore the site more deeply. Because of this, I discovered numerous TV shows, movies, and music that I never would

When NBC inevitably cancels this show, they should follow Sean O'Neal's advice and replace it with Peter Dinklage hula-hooping on a loop for one hour, every week.

I was really surprised to get this final, as business is almost definitely my weakest category. However, I have friends with GM cars who were complaining to me how they have to bring in their cars for repairs because GM only started making recalls and telling consumers about the problems with their vehicles many

Agreed, definitely an underrated gem from Number of the Beast.

I had never been to a masquerade ball before. I never expected to meet anyone there. How can I meet someone if they won't let me see their face. But then, he approached me. He came from the other side of the room. He wore black and white striped pants and a matching shirt. His tie was bright red and had hamburgers

My iTunes is full of emotional whiplash when it's on shuffle.