Jaimes Right Hand

For sure. I enjoyed finding the tapes and videos, because in general I found the quotes he was pulling from interesting to listen to. However, it did make the theme of the game pretty blunt.

I also saw Dunkirk in IMAX, and it was absolutely fantastic. So much has been said already that all I can really say is that I agree with all of the praise. I don't know if it's Nolan's best film necessarily, but that's only because I really love the Prestige and the Dark Knight. It is very different than those two,

The Witness was one of the games for sale on Xbox a couple of weeks ago, and I managed to "beat" the game just tonight. Overall, the game was really fantastic, the way it teaches you each new mechanic is really clever, and some of my favourite gaming moments in a long time occurred when I finally realized what a

Please, Sir Paul McCartney has no time to devote to number theory. He spends all of his free time finding functions with removable discontinuities, fixing a hole.

The Dark Knight
The Prestige
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight Rises (which I still think is a fun, if really horribly plotted, film)

My girlfriend's grandfather was a POW in WW2. For the longest time, she didn't know anything about his time there, but recently he passed away and she discovered some letters from the military stating that he had been captured in Dunkirk. She is excited to see this movie, but at the same time she expects to be a wreck

My girlfriend's grandfather was a POW in WW2. For the longest time, she didn't know anything about his time there, but recently he passed away and she discovered some letters from the military stating that he had been captured in Dunkirk. She is excited to see this movie, but at the same time she expects to be a wreck

My girlfriend's grandfather was a POW in WW2. For the longest time, she didn't know anything about his time there, but recently he passed away and she discovered some letters from the military stating that he had been captured in Dunkirk. She is excited to see this movie, but at the same time she expects to be a wreck

This is easily the most excited I've been to see a movie in a long time. I've loved Nolan for a long time, so the fact that this is potentially his best film makes the wait until I can eventually see it even worse.

This game looks fucking nuts, and I cannot wait to play it!

Also, that doesn't mean that my opinion of the movie wouldn't be valid. It's my opinion, I'm just saying it's unimportant to the narrative of the cultural importance of the movie.

This is such a good point. From the vantage point of 2017, it's easy to look at Sgt. Pepper's and see that some of the songs are kitschy, the songwriting isn't as strong as some of the previous or later Beatles albums, and say that it's only an okay album. However, that takes all of the historical context of the album

In Zombieland, what is the first rule of surviving the zombies?

I do think it's worth mentioning, as the article did, that one of the reasons that this family got exposed was because of the concerned intervention of other youtubers. In particular, Philip DeFranco devoted almost a full week of his daily show to exposing these parents and the ways in which their videos were harming

I would say a number of the songs sound like they could have been on Blonde, especially God and Love. I love blonde, and I think this albums is really good as well, and it's definitely fair to compare the two.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. What an obnoxious, annoying, cloying, manipulative, and exploitative film. I worked at a theatre at the time so i saw it for free, and I still know ir rather have done literally anything else that night instead.
I know Oscar nominations don't always mean a movie is good, but the

I think the full title is "Batman: The Killing Joke", that's why it had the colon after "this hero". It is still a poorly phrased clue, but I think the only acceptable response when interpreted this way is Batman.

Well this is the perfect way to waste some time:

I'll throw out the Bartimaeus trilogy as another series that managed to combine humour with excellent characters and a really interesting setting and plot.

The fact that Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping wasn't a megahit that took the world by storm is one of many things to not be thankful for this year.