Jaimes Right Hand

Arcade Fire - In the Backseat
Death Cab for Cutie - Death of an Interior Decorator
Frank Ocean - Monks
Iron Maiden - Children of the Damned
Metallica - The Shortest Straw

God, I'm going to get hate for this, but I really love (500) Days of summer. I fully understand that it has many, many problems, but I think I was the perfect market for it when it came out (16 and in my first real relationship) and it clicked with me.

I am one of the people who fell in love with Breaking Bad in the second season. I found the first season good, but certainly not great. It was interesting, but it also felt like it really, really dragged on in places. But then I started season 2, and something just clicked. Every season afterwards was generally

I have never been able to finish Kid A. I can only listen to a handful of songs from it at a time before I get completely turned off. I respect that it's experiemental, but man is it not for me.

It's weird, I was probably in the 4th or 5th grade when Beyblade and Yugioh were among my favourite shows, yet by the time I was in the 6th grade all the new animes seemed stupid (and lacked awesome theme songs). It's weird how much things change in such a short amount of time when you're 10.

I had two older sisters who were super into anime, and we all used to watch both Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon all together. Once they got older they stopped watching but I was still hooked, and I got obsessed with Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, and Beyblades. However, after that horrible Battle B-Daman was made, which had

Japandroids - Younger Us
Beach House - Real Love
Vampire Weekend - Mansard Roof
Megadeth - I Ain't Superstitious
My Morning Jacket - Gideon

What we don't know is that, if this turned out to be the series finale, Bryan Fuller also had an scene where the plane with Bedelia and Hannibal crashed into Zeller and Price's lab. Just to make sure every person we've every known is good and dead.

Yeah, I think Martial Eagle was my favourite episode overall, but every moment of the Deal that had Philip on screen was absolutely amazing. Screw anyone who says this show is heartless, that episode had all the feels.

The way she said "take off your clothes" was beautiful. She was absolutely in charge of the situation and I loved it.

His speech was amazing. Even though it was obvious to me that he would be Tyrion's champion as soon as it was revealed that Cersei had picked the Mountain, I loved every second of that scene with Oberyn. It was a masterclass in writing and acting.

Especially if the crown picks the Mountain to be its fighter. Oberyn would care little if it cost him his spot on the small council if it allowed him to get revenge on the Mountain mano a mano.

Yeah, I had felt that the sexposition had actually been brought down to somewhat reasonable levels in season 3, but this episode felt like the HBO CEO of tits had his fingers all over it.

So, what does everyone think Jared's connection is to the mission? Here are some possibilities, some obvious, some batshit crazy.

Okay, I never really knew the difference between sonar and radar. That's actually pretty interesting. I just figured they used bats to illustrate the stealth's effectiveness, and told us it abstractly through the conspiracy theories of a man whose brain isn't totally there due to cancer.

Okay so the dead bats. I know Zeljko Ivanek's character thought that they died from the "poisonous" paint fumes, wouldn't it make more sense if they died because their sonar wasn't able to bounce off of the stealth plane? Maybe they didn't realize it was there and ran into it at full speed, and that's what killed them.

Saying "This is my design" when recapping someone else's murder? This show seems right up his alley.

Yeah, I thought the Man/Bear stuff was a touch too far in the weird killer category, but I thought what it set up is great and the scenes not involving the actual killer of the week were wonderful.

I was hoping, just a little bit, that this would be sex scene number 2 that Bryan Fuller teased us with.

I think I would give this season a B. Definitely the worst the show has had, with the possible exception of the 6 episode first season but that's an unfair comparison. Still, it made me laugh quite a bit, and I still thought there were some excellent episodes spread out over the generally decent but unexciting rest of