Jaimes Right Hand

And the way he checked his watch in the middle of the fight definitely suggested he just wanted to get out of there so he could get to work on the mission. What else is interesting though is how upset he legitimately seemed after Martha locked him out. It was nice to see Martha have a bit of a backbone in this

I loved Elizabeth yelling at Philip to "stop being so reasonable!"


Started laughing about 5 seconds into the rap and didn't stop until halfway through the commercial break.

That scene was a damn masterpiece. His rapping getting angrier and angrier and his horrified reaction to it was fantastic.

I feel like they were trying to go for the first names of the people in the "New Entertainment Awards" category, but really it didn't work at all.

I'm pretty sure if my dad had yelled at me like that, I would probably have broken down about 5 seconds after I shut my bedroom door into a quivering wreck. That being said, I wasn't raised by two badass Soviet spies either; maybe their cool heads rubbed off on her.

The one complaint I have so far about this season is that we are seeing less of Stan's familial life. I really hope this isn't gearing us up for his death, because I think that would really remove an interesting dynamic from the show.

Johnny Depp did wear a pretty badass wig in the movie.

Also, I guess she wouldn't have been watching Henry at all, and it would potentially be dangerous to leave him alone. It's an interesting plot though. If she is a Soviet spy, her influence on Paige would probably be to make her less suspicious by focusing her attention on something else. If she isn't a spy, Paige

Oh god, that kid breaking down was terrible to watch. I really liked how legitimately comforting Elizabeth managed to be in that scene. Also, Stan's subplot in this episode really surprised me. It really turned everything from the previous episode involving Dameran on its head, and actually made me appreciate the last

As soon as she grabbed that crowbar, chills were sent down my spine. Elizabeth may be a little softer than she was in the first season, but she can can still scare the living shit out of me better than anyone else on this show.

Wow, they told us straight up that they were sending someone to watch her, and still the girl never even popped up on my radar as a spy. God the Soviets are the best at spymanship.

I'd say A-, although I could be convinced to bump it up to an A. The episode did a really great job picking up the loose ends from last week.

The conceit of the Helix mythology really elevated this. When I first heard about Twitch plays Pokemon, I thought it was somewhat entertaining, but I quickly became bored with watching it. But as the mythology the people playing the game grew more intense, watching it became a much better experience. It really summed

This episode did have a lot of table setting, but it was damn good table setting. It already seems like this season is going to be more intricately plotted than the first season, and the stories they've set up really excite me. This show is just so well acted and the writing is so good, every small interaction seems

Hitchcock ruining both the STD joke and Kwazy Cupcakes for Holt was a nice way to bookend the episode; Holt throwing his phone done and saying he was cured was perfect.

Deep sea trench, on the other hand, is nasty.

I agree that Hickey is definitely the right character to confront Abed, which needs to happen every once in a while. I also like the idea of them bonding over making a movie. but I just thought the execution was off.

Yeah, I thought it was more strange when Hickey described watching people allow Abed to do whatever because he's so creative over the past 5 years. It just felt manufactured to further egg on Hickey's handcuffing of Abed.