Jaimes Right Hand

Yeah, the Dane Cook bit was really fantastic, and pretty much anything to do with John Oliver was great.

This is exactly how I feel. I'm just confused by what I saw. The episode's emotional depth didn't resonate with me at all, I felt like Abed and Hickey's story really distanced me from the rest of the episode.

I just watched Mixology Certification earlier today, and I think that it actually is a really funny episode for the first two acts. It's just that the emotional depth throughout the episode all comes together in the final act, which has few jokes but is absolutely beautiful. It's still one of my favourite episodes.

I am so glad this show is back. I only got caught up on it in December but it has felt like an eternity waiting for new episodes since then. This episode was dark, sexy, well acted, and entertaining as all hell. It was exactly what I wanted, and I am unbelievably excited for this second season now.

There still seems to be light coming in!

Come on Senor, we know Summer only falls for people with, how do I say this, a lack of colour.

I'm always a little surprised when I see people say Brooklyn Nine-Nine is stronger at this point than Parks and Rec was. Sure, the first season isn't great, outside of the finale, but it's only six episodes. By the time they had aired 14 episodes, such classics as Practice Date, Greg Pikitis, and Ron and Tammy had all

Yeah, this episode was absolutely filled with tons of great callbacks. I didn't expect to see so many familiar faces. Honestly this felt more like a hundredth episode than Second Chunce did, but it made sense for them to save the big reunion episode for Ann and Chris leaving.


At first I was nervous they were going to turn this into a clip show, I should have trusted Parks more than to stoop to that. I really liked all of the callbacks that this episode made though. It really was a great summation of the contributions Ann and Chris have made to this show.

Parks and Rec doesn't do many meta jokes, but I appreciated that there were 103 photo albums that Leslie made for Ann, one for each episode she was in.

I'd say this episode was a B. Definitely had some solid laughs, but it was a little all over the place, and the ending to Abed's plot felt very strained.

I've come looking for a man. A salesman.

I don't know if I'd quite say it was vintage Parks and Rec, but it was a really funny episode. Easily one of the highlights of this season (which has unfortunately been more meh than great, but this one was pretty great).

"I thought that was, literally, never going to end." Chris Traeger putting down Jerry/Larry is hilarious because he's normally such a positive person.

What the BEEP!?

The callbacks in this episode felt genuine too. It wasn't just Harmon flexing with, remember these awesome episodes I made, but instead saying, these characters have been through a lot and these shared experiences can add layers to an already fantastic episode.

Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking is definitely the forefather of this episode. I felt like this episode almost felt like Pierce redeeming himself for the way he acted in that episode. As much as the first two acts caused conflict within the group, the final act was touching, and it absolutely showed Pierce was an

"This is the real me." What every drunk person says to people they barely know.

Yeah, Remedial Chaos Theory is pretty fantastic. I may just be a little over the moon because we finally have an episode that felt like classic community. Even the first three episodes of this season, while great, felt closer to the third, more meta, over-the-top, community season. This felt like classic season 2.