Jaimes Right Hand

Two shows that I caught up on this year that completely surpassed my expectations were Party Down and Gravity Falls. They are two fantastic shows that are very under-appreciated, and if it wasn't for this site I definitely never would have even heard of them, let alone watch them.

The guy sticks around for a while, but eventually the girl has to finish the job herself, and it helps if she imagines George Clooney is with her.

A good example of something that almost everyone considers both overrated and the best thing ever: sex (especially the first time). I guess what I'm saying is, Gravity was like sex. Visually stimulating, but occasionally lacking emotional resonance.

Peter: "I ain't no part of his tight ass religious club you freak bitch!"
*Rooster crows*

Easily my favourite mainstream comedy of the past couple of years, and the fact that the original trailers made it look so dumb and it turned out so great is definitely part of the reason.

Yeah, I was surprised at how self-aware the movie was. It would have been a solidly funny movie without that, but it's winking nature made it truly great.

Yeah exactly, I thought she was the worst part of Season 2, but I would argue her arc in season 3 was consistently great, second only to Jaime's growth.

But they even kept his name the same in "This Ain't Avatar XXX"! @avclub-605302b7b2612ace0b5716f3285b7ba0:disqus, I feel like I don't even know you anymore.

Remember, James Cameron believes that in science fiction, no one *really* dies! You can just cook up some sci-fi gobble-de-gook to bring back any dead characters that made the first movie successful. He's a genius!

Sara Bareilles for album of the year has to be the most random nomination I've seen in some time. I mean, Her? Also, Roar and Brave being nominated in the same category is hilarious.

Good Kid Maad City is an absolute masterpiece. My favourite rap album of the past few years. It's just such a cohesive piece of art, it blew me away with how good it was.

Hannah Hunt is also my song of the year. Nothing this year has hit me quite like that explosion of musical ecstasy at the end. It's just perfection.

People seem to forget it ever existed, which is a shame, because it's one of the only superhero movies in the past few years that actually stood out from the crowd. Seriously, I know I'm supposed to be excited about this Marvel Phase 2 stuff, but I really don't want to see another Marvel movie until this universe is

I really appreciated how good he was at solving the case. He managed to be both competent and funny! Originally, I honestly thought it was going to be him who stole the money just so he could get out of the dinner. Thankfully the show took the subplot in a much more satisfying direction.

If there was a perfect moment for Andre Braugher to drop the deadpan delivery, that was it. My god, that moment alone justified Peralta and Holt's side story.

This episode was an A- for me. It was consistently very funny, and it only loses minor points for Peralta's somewhat annoying hatred of Thanksgiving. It never quite clicked dramatically or comedically for me. However, the rest of the episode was absolutely outstanding.

Well yes, we two are undoubtedly the voices that represent a generation! Come @housebiden:disqus , let's join forces judge all writer's attempts at portraying our generation.

21 Jump Street is easily the best high school comedy to come out in the past decade. It just absolutely nailed what high school is like now (note, I am only in my third year of University).

Yeah, the couple of episodes before the hiatus were definitely well below where I expect Parks and Recreation to be comedy wise, and I was really worried about this season. But the two episodes last week as well as the two this week showed me that this writing staff still has some great stuff left in the tank, and I'm

Why was this not the first thing I thought of!? Marty Friedman and Dave Mustaine's incredible riffing all over Rust in Peace is damn near the pinnacle of thrash.