Jaimes Right Hand

Yeah, my cliche answer is the solo in Fade to Black. It's long, intense, and, thanks to the context of the song, feels like there is real emotion in it.

I'd give the first episode a B+ and the second episode an A, so overall A-. I thought these were definitely two of the best episodes of the season so far.

I agree that Fluroide was definitely a solid B+, but I thought the Cones of Dunshire an A episode. I guess if you don't like Jamm then the episode wouldn't work for you, but I thought they finally gave some depth to his character, and his karaoke duet and love of all things Asian were hilarious to me. Plus, the

Honestly, Ben's B plot in The Cones of Dunshire was probably my favourite story of the season so far. It was laugh out loud funny from beginning to end.

For me it's Ocarina of Time. I know it's the lame answer to give, but it's the first game I truly remember loving. Whenever I replay it (which I've done god knows how many times) it brings me a sense of comfort and joy that no other game does.

I really loved Skyward Sword. I found the story really interesting, and the dungeon design was incredible. The sequence where you are in the desert on that boat with the time crystal and the sand turns to water in front of you is one of my favorite gaming sequences. It was pure magic. I know the controls hampered the

Yeah, I'm actually from a town close to Saint John, New Brunswick, so it was really exciting to see a woman from my home city actually do well in Jeopardy.

We watched Branagh's Hamlet and his Frankenstein. Hamlet was great… Frankenstein was not.

The strangest movie I watched in school was Harold and Maude. My film studies prof showed us only great films, the big lebowski, almost famous, but Harold and Maude was definitely one that sticks out just because it was so batshit insane.

They're going to get into Trouble causing all of this Frustration.

Is that something people want to do?

Okay, I needed a project for the winter break, and I think binge watching New Girl may be the top candidate.

Is New Girl a show you really have to watch from the beginning to get fully? I've tuned in to a few episodes here and there and it hasn't really clicked with me. There have been funny moments but nothing has really made me burst out laughing.

Really, these quick cuts that this show makes to add to the characters are creating a comedy gold mine. The show excites me every week not just because each revelation is funny in and of itself, but also because each revelation further deepens the well the writers can pull from for jokes each week. This show isn't

"So are you here to turn yourself in?" 70's era Holt and fat Terry from last week are things I definitely want to see explored in future episodes.

*SO MANY SPOILERS* It was just so random, I wasn't intrigued or astounded, I was just left thinking, what the hell was that? Why did he have to go super meta, even saying something along the lines of "even though it says is name on the cover remember these are my words." You're right, some random supernatural mumbo

The book is pretty fantastic honestly. It has a really interesting structure, as did I Am The Messenger, and it goes into some pretty surreal territory thanks to Death's narration.

The ending to I Am the Messenger was really strange. *SPOILER ALERT* Throughout the whole book you are wondering who is sending these cards to the main character, and you find out it was the author of the book who was sending him the cards. He did it to prove that even someone as unsuccessful as Ed could make

I was only alive for 2 months of 1993, but I like to imagine they were a pretty awesome 2 months.