Star Man

Can I get in on this?

@Way Late

Flanderization: may not have happened.

Hey, I hear you validate parking tickets without purchase.

Sour grapes
Man, those Germans have a word for everything.

How are you so sure some of those babies won't die before reaching adulthood? Are you some kind of asshole optimist?

Oh shit, Sheltie's back!

The misuse of that word bothers me too, a little.

Six white stripes, seven red stripes, and a hell of a lot of stars!

We the purple?!
What the hell was that?!

What's this about Portman playing a salad in her next role?

@Cathartic Bullets

What if your iPod somehow got stuck on "Fitter, Happier"?

Wait - who did Superman fight for?

"99 Ways to Die"

@Cathartic Bullets

I commented on this article yesterday, when it was accidentally up for a minute. I demand my rightful first, and all diseases that come with said honorific!

Wax on, wax off!