Star Man



Rationed potatoes are the best potatoes.

I thought you guys would be back by now. I guess I ought to start frequenting cities beyond L.A. and San Francisco.

I'm told I come across as genially aggressive, which I think is right on the fucking money.

@otto man

Second on Monsters on Maple.

You clinking, clattering, cacophony of colligenous cogs and camshafts!


Did some asshole just call me an incredibly pretentious, sanctimonious, humorless mushroom?

I'm still unclear as to how you feel about Sarah Vowell.

*came back

This is where I admit that I commented first, and came much later to read the article at my leisure.

So next time somebody tells you carney folk are good, honest people, you can spit in their faces for me!

Touche, Limeade Youth. I don't know what your avatar is, but it's kinda awesome, whatever it is.

You were blessed with twins.

How long does it take to deliver a pizza?
Flowers By Irene

Bart, you're eight hours early for work. I like that.

I remember
really loving the song Daisy, Daisy. It was on some Disney record full of old-assed songs. That, and Darling Clementine.

But will this McNugget play in Peoria?