Star Man

In that case, we ought to manifest Horsefellow: Tgr moveih

Sorry, 3rd prize, but the correct answer is Kevin Garnett, even though he's a loathsome asshole.

Yes, they have no bananas.

Even hot, buttered corn?

But at what cost? Our collective dignity, that's what.

Everyone is saying "Franco this" and "Franco that"
But no one is saying "Worship this" and "Jericho that".

I, too, was Harold Lauder at that age.

I remember that scene, Felt Pelt. He also reminisces about having hated rock and roll but liking A Thousand Stars in the Sky by Kathy Young and the Innocents, and then writing in his ledger. I think he called them Ice Pick stars, or something like that.

Come, you McNuggets
That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full
Of direst meat product; make thick my blood,
Stop up my arteries and passage to remorse!

Off-rhymes are legitimate poetry.

Geez, I wasn't really gonna kill ya, I was just gonna cut you a little bit.

You're my favorite thread, Johnny.

@A Man With Fingers

Nope, it makes me a self-identified dork in the next part of that sentence.

Shonen Knife
Got to see them a few months ago, and the vibe was just wonderful . No poseurs or hipster douchebags, just a big group of like-minded dorks geeking out unabashedly over a trio of Japanese girls joyously playing sugary punk.

I, too, noticed it was a Native Son reference.

Someone had to post it
Death, B not proud.

Lil' Miss Arizona 2011

I like that, while their familial relation may not be exactly clear, it is certain that they are related, and fucking.

Nah, man. Dauber from "Coach" nailed it.