
My Rankings as far as my enjoyment of the movies:
1. X2(Still my favorite superhero movie period)
2. X-Men
3. The Wolverine
4. Deadpool
5. Days of Future Past
6. The Last Stand
7. Wolverine: Origins
8. First Class

Watching Jack and Diane during this episode reminded me of when I was a little kid(I was probably young than them at the time) and saw the season premiere for the last season of A Different World where Whitley and Dwayne were on their honeymoon in Los Angeles when the L.A. Riots happened. I remember feeling somewhat

Personally I would've had everyone killed except Diggle, Felicity, and Lance. I'd probably save Nyssa al Ghul too because I loved the actress on Spartacus, but I'd have Superman skill Amanda Waller twice because I hated that actress on Spartacus.

I'm like that at the end of every episode of SHIELD that they don't kill off Ward.

I can see both sides of this argument, I can understand people getting tired of race and gender talks just like I can see other people getting sick of what they feel as women and people of certain races ending up in the same positions they always seem to end up in. I'm guessing Oliver's opinions on race and gender

Not only did they kill Ben, but to me at least it was a pointless death that serves no purpose to the plot. The writers would have to pull some serious magic out of their asses to make Urich's death seem like anything more than a big shock and awe moment.

As a black man myself, I'll admit a part of my displeasure in the death was that he's black. When I saw Vondie Curtis Hall, I didn't even know he was playing Ben Urich at first, I was thinking cool, Vondie, I hope he doesn't get killed off, though I was fully expecting him to get killed off until I realized he was Ben

Too soon, the Trip wounds are still fresh for me.

My thought process on Ben Urich this season:

During the last couple of years when both MADtv and SNL were both on the air, I could always get some laughs out of MADtv, not everything was a hit for me but that cast still managed to make me laugh. During that same period the only thing that was getting even a chuckle out of me on SNL would be the opening political

I got a ton of crap on AVClub before for uttering these words but "as someone who was more of a MADtv fan than SNL when they were both around" the MADtv jab hurts me a little.

The world of wrestling is a world where wrestlers seem to love to talk crap about other wrestlers yet the other two wrestlers I remember ever saying anything negative towards The Rock were John Cena and I think CM Punk.

I like the comment, but I'm liking the comment for the Kofi pic. I
imagine that's what his face was after he realized he'd never get pushed
again after the Orton incident and that his career would be downhill
from there.

Yea, having too many guys like them around makes it harder for us sub-par, moderately handsome on a good day when you squint your eyes, type of guys.

Ironically the first time I ever heard AC/DC was the first time The Rock hosted, they were the musical guest.

I've only watched SNL 3 or 4 times in the past 8 years(which explains why the only people I knew were Michael Che from the Daily Show, Leslie Jones from Comic View, and Bobby from the last season of SNL I watched when Casey Wilson was on the show) and two of those times have been because of The Rock. Nothing is going

Half Samoan and half black so I don't know where that puts him on the penis scale.

My initial motivation for watching this show was that it was a show with a predominantly black cast, with actors I liked and I try to support black shows that aren't reality shows. I saw a behind the scenes preview Fox had at 7:30 today and I became way more interested in the show. I don't know how the rest of the

My gut told me Empire was going to be airing in the same timeslot as Black-ish, and of course its airing in the same timeslot as Black-ish, come on FOX there's only one other black television you couldn't put this one on at any other time lol. Well at least it's not as bad as when ABC moved My Wife & Kids to the same

My dislike towards Ward isn't because he's supposed to be the bad guy, I didn't like Ward when he was supposed to be the good guy either. Good guy or bad guy, I just don't find him entertaining.