
Here's a nice video of the SHIELD cast saying goodbye to B.J. Britt/Trip

I didn't hate the first season the way a lot of people did. I definitely could've been better but I never saw it being the horrible show it was made out to be by some. I don't think this show could've started in a post Winter Soldier world though because whether people liked the pre-Captain America episodes or not,

Nope I don't look forward to him popping up at all. Ward is just too dull for me to care about. I think that's why I liked Trip off the bat, Trip had a quiet charisma to himself that got me interested in him despite never having any storylines,

Winston was always the best part of the show for me(obviously other than the pilot where Coach was my favorite part of the show) despite the writers never giving him anything to do when I still watched the show. Glad the writers are finally apparently writing for him.

Again not saying anyone is right or wrong for thinking this way, but I believe the trope is the black guy tends to be a bit more expendable than anyone else, especially where there's another black guy there. I'm one of those people just knew in my gut that both Mack and Trip weren't both going to survive the season.

I stopped watching New Girl a while ago, are they actually using Winston now or is it the same deal where he gets his on C-level plot every couple episodes but for the most part he's just there for a one liner or two but doesn't really get much to do.

Right or wrong, a lot of people feel that in a lot of television shows and movies throughout time, that death seems to be honed in on the minorities of the cast even if white cast members outnumber the minority 10 to 1. I will say that Agents of of Shield is way more diverse than your typical cast but as soon as I saw

I could be wrong but at least in Trip's case, he didn't have anytime to spare, he had to stop the bombs and he already took off his suit. If he would've put on the suit he wouldn't have gotten to all the bombs in time.

I kinda felt Trip was going to die the second I saw Mack, especially when he started getting more screen time and development than him, so that would be about episode 2 of this season. Can Disney make a deal with Fox to use Bishop so he can go back in time and stop Tripp from dying?

Every time I hear GH-325, I think of GC-161 from The Secret World of Alex Mack.

Disney needs to start putting some horse heads in Fox and Sony's beds and get all the Marvel properties back.

Luckily I've played Marvel Ultimate Alliance like 10 times and have seen the 90s Fantastic Four cartoon so I actually get this joke.

Ooo I want to play.

I see Agents of Shield is using horror movie rules, black guy dies first. Too bad he wasn't a rapper(even though he brought the noise and the funk), rappers are safer than average black people in horror movies.

I know I've only be watching all the Star Trek series for two years now, but that's a Vulcan if I ever saw one.

I never disliked Skye, but now I love her. My feelings towards Ward though are unchanged, and those feelings aren't positive.

As soon as Trip flirted a bit with Simmons this episode I said "Mac's safe, Trip's dead."Damn it why do people I like more than Ward(basically anyone technically) keep dying. I was really hoping Trip was going to get some development in the series. Even though he didn't get much to do I enjoyed when he became part of

I liked this but nothing beats The Muppets - Let Me Clear My Throat mash up for me.

I still haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy, I'll check it out when it comes out on DVD, but damn it Marvel or Fox or whoever has the rights to X-Men in the animated world, just give me a 2nd season of Wolverine and the X-Men. I know it's been 5 years and I should be over it by now but I'm not. It was getting real

It seemed like not too long ago there were a bunch of shows on USA I watched, now the only thing left I watch is Graceland, which I'm not really enjoying all that much because it's way too much Mike this season and I've come to the conclusion I hate all white guys named Mike on USA Shows.