
If you look at the food writing scene now, the two books responsible for most of it are the French Laundry cookbook and Kitchen Confidential.
I can't really do it justice, but he wrote the modern professional kitchen book and it's still one of the best for explaining the lifestyle and spirit of professional cooks. No

I think it will be, he says he left Travel Channel because they started screwing with his editing and executives that soured him on TV started showing up at Travel Channel.
And plus, with CNN, he has the name recognition to go places Travel Channel just couldn't, and get access to parts of the world that they couldn't

The new show is on CNN, and I believe it's because CNN has the name recognition to get him to shooting locations that Travel Channel just couldn't, and they probably gave him final cut on any episode he gives to them, an issue he started running into with Travel Channel towards the end of the run. He does that show

I think he's still on TV, because he probably has one of the better palates/ almost encyclopedic experiential knowledge of the cuisine of vast parts of the world, unlike most other chefs with his name recognition.

I mean to be honest, I have a good amount of free time, and I really enjoy most of the people involved so I think I'll start from the beginning and if it doesn't interest me, jump into the newer stuff and work my way back.

During the week I watched the British version of House of Cards, which I really enjoyed, and this weekend I watched the first 8 episodes of the American remake, which I enjoyed even more.
It might be because I grew up right outside DC but I really think they got the city more right than most of the shows set there.

I have a hard time getting through it because I find something annoying about her voice, but I enjoy the Labrador video so much that I've been acclimating myself to her voice.

They can't afford to pay musicians their going rate to perform at SNL and the record company or somebody else has to foot the bill, so it becomes an impetus for record companies to pony up the cash or the performer to take the cut versus performing a show.

I feel the same way about Hot Fuzz, but I also feel the same way about Action Comedy versus Horror and Horror Comedy.

Yeah, I've heard enough good things to keep watching an episode or two until it gets really interesting but I keep pushing it back to do other things.
I'm on the verge of getting over intensed with breaking bad so i'll probably start using it as a palate cleanser.

Saw Jeff Mangum on friday night, and beyond the normal OH MY GODS and AHHHHHH'S, I really enjoyed the two openers, although Music Tapes was the most Elephant Six of any of the Elephant Six bands I've ever seen, having them play meant I got the saw for 'In the Aeroplane Over the Sea'. Plus Paul Rudd was apparently at

If you haven't already, it's one of the few books where the audio book is arguably better than the book. Hearing Tina Fey tell the stories is pretty awesome.

since no one responded on the Tolstoy, just pick up a copy of Anna Karenina and start reading, the chapters are fairly short, and pretty easy to read until you find a place you want to stop. 
If you want a bit of an easier starting place, Sebastapol Sketches is a lot of fun, but a bit of an outlier compared to the rest

If you haven't jumped into the expanded universe yet, the lydia videos are really interesting for what they've done with expanding on the grey area left to the other characters from the Elizabeth focus in the original

They have this problem, where because they're TV writers, they have tons of time to watch stupid TV shows that most people don't know exist and then write sketches about them that so few people understand that it's never all that funny.

That's been every SNL ever, it's a show that works fantastically in retrospective clip shows and cutting down for hour long reruns.

seriously, the last one they did that was lazy sunday? or maybe the one where Andy Samberg just punches people?

Netflix has a bunch of the classic serials, but it's kind of random which ones. Like it doesn't have 'the Daleks' but does have 'the Aztecs' 
But it looks like all of them are somewhat important so not much going through dreck

It took me a few times to notice, but the scenes with the soldiers in the assault of the military base are shot so well. It's this cinema verite fake documentary style that is so jarring compared to the rest but it works so well.

I've been main lining The West Wing and just getting really patriotic and sentimental about America. I've hit season four and am starting to remember the episodes I saw during the run on TV. after the first 8 or so episodes, that show hits a stride and just hasn't stopped being good.